Chapter 23

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Veronica takes a hit at Betty but before Jughead could stop her she hit Betty clean around the face. Jughead pulled Betty behind him and held her hands.
Jughead:I swear to god Veronica get out.
Veronica leaves slamming the door behind her.
Jughead turns around to look at Betty who has blood dripping from her cheek.
Jughead wraps his arms around her hugging her.
Jughead:Betts sit down for me I will be right back okay.
Jughead runs to the kitchen as Betty sits on the sofa.
Jughead sits down next to Betty.
Jughead:Here let me clean you up.
He grabs an alcohol wipe and cleans of all the blood the cut stops bleeding so he doesn't bother putting a plaster on it.
Betty:Jug what if she's right what if I don't deserve good things.
A tear falls from her eye.
Jughead:You do Betty you really do come on let's go to bed we have school tomorrow.
They both stand up and walk to the bedroom.
Jughead:We don't have to go if you don't want too I know your still hurt.
Betty:Know it's time we can't miss anymore school I will just take it slow.
Jughead:I will be with you every step.
*The next day at school*
Archie walks in with Veronica.
Archie:I don't know why I am here or even walking with you Ronnie you hit Betty and even though she chose Jughead over be I will be there for her. Jughead is a serpent so him and his gang will protect Betty and you need to back of and leave her alone.
Veronica:But I want to be with him.
Archie:No Ronnie you know it's wrong now I am going to go find Betty and check on here.
Archie walks out of the corridor leaving Veronica standing there.
*meanwhile in the blue and gold*
Betty:Jug there's a letter with my name on and there's only two guesses who it is.
Jughead walks up to Betty and grabs her hand.
Betty opens the letter and reads it.
I know your upset but you have got to finish these quests your sister is dead next will be your best friend or your boyfriend so this is what you have to do.
You have to take the closest people with you to the forest 4 there shall be 4 of you.
When you get there you need to do a task each one by a different person take it in turns if the challenges aren't completed there will be consequences.
Goodbye Betty,
The black hood
Betty:He is going by the name of the black hood.
Jughead:Betty it's okay we will do this we will take 4 of us and then we will get the serpents to wait for us. If you want to do this if not we will just go by are everyday life and just wait for him or her to pass.
Betty:No we need to do this.

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