Chapter 9

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Jughead and Betty walked over to the sofa and held his head in his hands Betty rubbed his back and rested her head on his shoulder.
Jughead:I was attacked by a group of goulies but I managed to escape.
Betty had a tear to eye.
Betty:Juggie are you ok.
He lifted his head up and she kissed his cheek. They looked deeply into each other's eyes.
Jughead:I'm okay Betts how are you.
Betty:I'm okay Jug.
Jughead stands up and so does Betty he wraps his arms tightly around her trying not to wince as the pain he is in was getting stronger.
Betty:Juggie let me clean you up. Sit down I will get you a fresh T-shirt and some alcohol wipes for your cuts.
Jughead grabs Betty's hand.
Jughead:It's okay I will do it.
Betty looks at Jughead with puppy eyes.
Betty:Please let me do it.
Jughead looks at Betty and can't resist.
Jughead:Okay baby.
Betty leaves and Jughead sits down on the couch.
*2 minutes later*
Betty walks in with a fresh T-shirt wipes and bandages.
Jughead smiles as Betty takes a seat in front of him.
Betty kisses his lips softly.
Betty:I'm really sorry this might hurt.
She takes the alcohol wipe out of the packet and cleans his cuts.
Betty:It's deep but you won't need stitches.
A tear rolls down Betty's cheek. Jughead leans forward and wipes her tear.
Jughead:Betty what is it,
Betty:I didn't tell you what happened which made me leave my dad and go to stay with my mom. I was scared and then you came home hurt so I didn't want to put more on your mind but you deserve to know.
Jughead pulls Betty onto his lap and kisses her neck.
Jughead:Nothing is more important than you. You can tell me.
Betty forces a smile.
Betty:He uh um
She started crying so Jughead pulled her head into his chest.
Betty:He beat me and beat me until I couldn't stand and then he would assault me
She gulped
Betty:sexually assaulted me.
Jughead held her tighter.
Jughead:He won't hurt you again me, Veronica, Archie we won't let him.
Betty tried her hardest to smile.
Betty:and then when I went to my mom she would also beat me call me names starve me as you know.
Jughead was about to speak when there was a meanacing knock at the trailer door.

H/C I am going to change the name of this au possibly can you guys help me

Bughead missions and loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora