Chapter 10

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Jughead picked up Betty off of his lap and placed her on the couch.
Jughead:Betty stay here I will go and see who that is.
Betty sat there and leaned forward crying into her palms.
Jughead didn't want to leave her there he wanted nothing more than to comfort her but he knew he had to answer the door.
Jughead:I will be right back Betts
Jughead unlocked the door and opened it to reveal Veronica and Archie.
Jughead:Veronica Archie
Veronica:Betty wasn't answering her phone we were worried and Jughead what happened to your face and your hat where is it.
Jughead looked at Veronica.
Jughead:I'm fine and it's on the table.
He looked over to Betty who had wiped her eyes and sat up straight giving a thumbs up to Jughead.
Jughead:Betty's over there come in I will change my T-shirt then I'll join you.
He ran over to Betty grabbed his shirt and beanie then went into the bedroom to change.
*meanwhile in the living room*
Veronica:So B why weren't you answering your phone were you and Jughead doing it.
Betty looked at Veronica and then Archie
Betty:We told you we're just friends.
It broke Betty's heart to say it but they were keeping it a secret so she had no choice. 
Jughead walks out and takes a seat next to Betty He gives her the look as if to say "are you okay" she replied with her eyes "no but I will be" Jughead slighly rubbed her back.
Archie:Guys shall we go to Pops.
Jughead looked at Betty to check with her first.
Betty:sure but can I meet you there I want to change first.
Jughead:I will stay and walk up with Betty it gets dark soon.
Archie and Veronica nodded not suspecting a thing.Then they left.
Betty put her head on Jughead's shoulder.
Betty:I know at school we pretend we aren't a couple and we pull it off but right now I need you and don't want to pretend we're not dating.
Jughead kissed Betty lightly on the forehead.
Jughead:so do you want to tell them.
Betty:No but I don't know.
Jughead grabbed her hand
Jughead:We can do this I will sit next to you and hold your hand under the table and then when we get home we can cuddle until we fall asleep.
They kiss quickly and then Betty's gets changed before they head to pops.

H/C I write these as drafts then post because of school so I don't have time to check spellings e.t.c I'm really sorry if there are really obvious ones please point them out ❤️

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