Desirable euphoria (Alternative)

Start from the beginning

Winter, despite being a season which potrayed coldness, had it's own bliss. It was a month which allowed you to come closer to the warmth of a loved one. Despite the weather being freezing cold Jungkook felt warm. He felt secure. He felt loved.

"I missed you so much...I missed you so so much" Jungkook said in a muffled voice while crying in her neck

"I know I missed you too." Y/N replied in his neck crying also

"I am sorry...I am so sorry...I am sorry for leaving you alone" Y/N said crying harder

Jungkook shook his head vigorously at her comments. He did not like the fact one bit that she was apologising for something which was not her fault in any way whatsoever.

"No...don't say needed it and I deserved it" He said

He bought his face back to look at her, running his fingers through her hair. He cupped her cheek crying harder. He vigorously placed kisses all over her face as Y/N closed her eyes devouring the feeling. He kept on kissing all over face and Y/N giggled. He hugged her tightly yet again, continuously placed kisses on her cheeks. Y/N kissed his cheek running a finger through his hair.

"Do you still want me?... I mean do you still love me? There is still time you can decide if you want me or not?" Y/N said holding onto him afraid she would get something negative as answer

"Always...I want you always and I will love you always.. There is no second thought about that..there never will be" He said hugging her tighter.

"Don't even think about leaving me again" Jungkook said bringing his face to look at her. He cupped her cheeks which fit his palms perfectly

"You know Y/N I got a job as a financial analyst, I even topped the department. You always wanted me achieve success right?" He said to her like a kid telling his mother about her grades.

"Yes I know...and I am so proud of so proud" Y/N said crying

"Really?" He asked trying to get confirmation

"Yeah..." Y/N replied

She was still beautiful as ever to him. Her chubby cheeks with a cheekbones becoming visible when she smiles, giving a slight outlook of dimples. Her long lashes and dark irises. Natural double lids complemented by her dark brown hair. She was a complete masterpiece and he would be stunned everytime because of her ethereal beauty.

"I love you..." Jungkook said

"I love you too..." Y/N replied and that was what Jungkook needed

He smashed his lips onto hers holding her by her waist while the other was placed on her right cheek. He was gentle but he was passionate and Y/N could feel it in his every delicate movement. She responded and soon they were in sync. Lost in eachother's world. The only thing that mattered to them at the moment was the presence of the other. Y/N wrapped her arms around Jungkook's neck and Jungkook held onto her waist. They inhaled eachother's scent. Suddenly Y/N felt something wet on her cheeks, she understood what was happening. He was crying.

The world is a cruel place. Extremely cruel for people who do not know it's ways. It took them long enough to understand the pattern but they eventually did and they got rewarded by eachother. It was a blessing to them and there was nothing in the world that could replace it.

Soon they were out of air and their lips parted. Jungkook and Y/N still held onto eachother as their breaths fanned eachother's lips. Jungkook was still heavily crying. Y/N wiped off his tears and said

"Let's go. You did not eat your dinner right? I made food for you"

Jungkook kept on crying not aware of how to express his feelings. He was overjoyed but he couldn't help but cry out of happiness. He missed her. He missed every second she was away.

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