He slowly opened his eyes and let them wander around his room, and he tried to find the source of the disturbing noise. It was some shuffling and rythmic, faint taps. It sounded awfully close yet somehow far, and much too out of place. He failed to find the source of it, and a feeling of dread settled within him. He spotted a shadow moving near his dresser, and his heart nearly skipped a beat. But his sudden terror vanished when his eyes finally adjusted to the darkness and he could see the form better. He instantly relaxed and his tension was replaced with a warm feeling of joy that spread across his chest and rose to his face, drawing a small smile on his muzzle. It was the boy from the other day. He was sure of it.

The same little black boots, the same dress-long green shirt and old green hat, the same fluffy brown hair, and the same deep, piercing stare. He seemed to be giving all his attention to the object he was carrying. If Moomintroll was careful and lucky enough, he might be able to get closer look at the strange little creature.

Alas, as soon as he made the slightest of movements, the little boy turned around to look at him. Big blue eyes met tiny hazel ones, and before Moomintroll could process the situation, the tiny boy had already darted off to God knew where.

"Oh, wait!" He cried out, threw his blanket off and rushed to his dresser. A screw lay where the boy stood a second ago. Moomintroll's eyes brushed over the floor, and he tried to catch hint of where the tiny boy could have gone.

He knelt down and checked behind his dresser's foot, and sure enough, he saw the tip of the tiny green hat poking out. Unfortunately for the little creature, there weren't many good hiding places in Moomintroll's room, it seemed.

He really wanted to talk to him, but he didn't want to mess up his chances to gain the boy's trust and scare him off, the thought of someone scared of him left an unpleasant feeling in his chest. "I'm really glad to see you again," he whispered, slow and gentle; despite his effort, his worry still seemed to show through his voice. "You don't have to be afraid, really! I won't hurt you or anything. You can come out, uhm, please?" He didn't sound as convincing as he'd hoped, and he didn't see any movement or even hear the slightest sound, but he wouldn't give up. "Oh, here! You- dropped this..." He picked the screw up and placed it a little closer to the tiny boy's hiding place, and then retreated his hand. "You can have it, I don't really need it anyway-" but he caught himself, "I mean-! Even if I needed it I would still give it to you, I really don't mind if you need anything."

He was quiet once again. It seemed the boy wasn't coming out for him anytime today, or ever. Moomintroll stared at the screw, hoping to at least see a hand come out and snatch it up.

He was about to give up and go back to his bed when he saw the slightest of movement, and then a head poking out and an eye peering up at him. Moomintroll barely managed to contain a large smile in and instead gave the most gentle and patient smile he could muster at the moment. With slow and cautious steps, the little boy moved out of under the dresser and knelt down to pick up the screw, all the while keeping his eyes glued on Moomintroll, who made no movement to scare off the little guy. Said guy took off his hat and shoved the screw in, before putting it back on. For a moment, both only stared at each other, and all the while Moomintroll struggled to keep from bouncing up and down in his excitement.

It was hard to find anything to say in that situation, and Moomintroll was worried things would get awkward if he didn't say something. But what could he say? Nothing seemed fitting...

"Thanks for the screw," Moomintroll almost jumped at the voice. It was nothing like he could've expected; there was no hint of fear or unease in it, but it wasn't loud and boisterous either, it was surprisingly calm and collected, and not to mention so pleasantt and sweet, just like mama's pear jam, and he wanted so much more of it. He slowly fell in a dreamy daze and forgot to answer, until he was spoken to again.

"'... Well then good, good evening and goodbye," the tiny boy gave a tip of his hat before turning around and heading back to under the dresser in a hurried pace.

"Oh no- please wait, don't go!" Moomintroll realized he'd been staring for too long, and in his haste he clasped his hands together in a pleading manner, but it sounded much louder than he intended to, and it made the tiny boy's tail straighten up and the hair under his hat stand on its ends. In a split-second, he fought off the fear that gripped his limbs and dashed back to under the dresser. Moomintroll realized his mistake and wanted to try and apologize again, but thought better of it. He'd already made enough of a fool of himself and scared a potential friend, anything he could do now would only make things worse. With a heavy sigh, he got up, walked back to his bed and climbed back in. Hopefully he would see the tiny boy again, and if not, there was nothing he could do about it now...

"You're really not good at talking with people, are you?" Moomintroll's eyes widened slightly at the familiar voice behind him. How was he still here? Wasn't he scared? Slowly, Moomintroll turned around to look at the boy with a glint of surprise. He looked irritated, but almost curious as well, and the troll didn't know what to make of it.
"Don't reach, don't grab, don't be loud." He suddenly sounded much more firm and strict, it was somehow intimidating. Moomintroll found himself nodding slowly, which made the boy's posture relax ever so slightly.

"I'm really glad you're back, and I'm sorry for startling you, really didn't mean to," the troll kept his voice low and hushed, and it seemed to please the tiny boy.

"But what are you?" Moomintroll finally asked, too curious to try to say anything else.

"Do I have to answer? Will you try to pry answers from me?" The tiny boy eyed him suspiciously and took a careful step back.

"Oh goodness, no!" Moomintroll was quick to answer but this time in a gentler and calmer tone, "I wouldn't! I already told you, you don't have to be afraid of me. Of course I won't try to make you do something you don't want to."

The tiny boy kept his eyes firmly on Moomintroll's, and the troll held his breath. "You can call me Snufkin. That's all I'm telling you tonight. Goodbye." This time, Moomintroll knew better than to try to stop him. Snufkin...

The boy had disappeared in the shadows, but Moomintroll still had hope to meet him again, in better circumstances, maybe they could chat, and even play together if he wished. Maybe he could make a new special friend.

"Will I see you again, Snufkin?" Moomintroll whispered to his room and curled back under his blanket

In the quiet of his room, a small voice whispered back, "Perhaps."

Strange Sizes (G/T Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now