🌲~L'arbre de mon quartier

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Kind of?? Inspired by the text above, we did it in french class and I just thought '... This is gt material isn't it' (btw the text is actually boring as hell, just as much as the course itself)

The kindergarten's bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Soon after, the little kids of the 2-M, middle section class, came out in a neat line, under the watchful eye of their teacher, but as soon as their little feet passed the outside door their straight stance fell as they rushed towards their parents, shouting "Hey mom!" "C'mon dad let's go~!" "Hurry, mum!". They were overjoyed, but the parents, not really.

Somehow, the sneaky devils made a sort of pact between them, and decided that Wednesday afternoons there would be a gather up in that 'super-duper dawsome park with that cool rad tree there!' which was really just a small room-sized green space with one old and gigantic tree in the middle, taking all the space. Why they liked that place so much? No one knew. But all the kids agreed, and the parents wanted to blackmail them with this meet-up so that maybe they finally ate their brocolis.

Abigail was the first to arrive, but it didn't please her. She needed to wait for every single one of her thirteen classmates, for all of their parents to come, for the dads to leave for their usual stroll in the nearby forest, for the moms to get engrossed in a discussion and pay no attention to them, and only then could the real fun start.

Noah soon came after, then Brittany, then Jacob, then Eric, then Elizabeth... One by one, all came and gathered around the tree, waiting not-so patiently for the parents to leave. And finally, came the always late Ben, while his mom walked up to the little group that had gathered around a discussion on bouyabaise, whatever it was.

"Sorry I'm so late!" Came Ben, panting, and earning a sympathetic pat on the shoulder from Brittany.

"Hey! Pss, Alois! Hi! You can come now!" Whispered Noah, looking up at the tree with stary eyes.

The large Tree vibrated, then contorted and twisted in strange shapes and angles. But very soon, the tree formed a neck, a leafy head, two long arms, and two legs with roots stuck two the ground in a kneeling position. Soon, a leafy and wooden -and very shy- giant boy came to life!

His eyes opened, revealing... Well, no pupils. But his head was turned towards the kids, and his mouth curled into a meek smile, and his hand lifted slowly in a wave.

"Hi th-"

"Hi Alois!"

Abigail huffed at being cut off by Elizabeth, who went running to the giant tree-boy and stretched her arms as far as she could around his knee, in a hug. Alois rubbed the back of his head and looked away, flustered. But his other hand still snuck behind the little girl to return the gesture and rub the top of her head, resulting in a chorus of boyish voices making ridiculous animal noises in a teasing manner.

"Well," Jacob stepped up to the two and separated them from each other, earning curious looks. "We're not here to watch you two being all lovely dovey," He turned to Noah and Ben, and pointed an accusatory finger at them. "Those two noobs here say they can beat me at tree climbing. We'll see that just now. Alois, you bet on whom?"

Said giant looked at the boys one by one with an almost blank face and didn't take long to poke Noah with a wooden finger, earning a huff from Jacob and a hysterical fit of laugher from the two other challengers.

"W-Well!" Some irritation and embarassement slipped in Jacob's voice. "We'll see about that!" And with that, he stepped up to tree giant, and began climbing from his knee. He was soon followed by the other boys, and then Eric, who didn't want to stay alone with the girls; and then Abigail, who always acted too manly for her own good.

Cheers from the kids bellow and giggles from a ticklish giant tree boy resonated in the park, not disturbing the parents in the slightest. More than once, Alois ended up catching one the kids climbing up all over him a little to fast to get to the top first, and it was a wonder for him if they didn't sometimes fall on purpose only to be hand-held, which he found kind of adorable.

"Alois~ can you lift me on top of your head pretty please with me on top~?" Elizabeth asked, giving the wooden boy her best soft eyed look. If trees could blush, than Alois's face would be burning right now, but instead he only looked down at the tiny human with a shy grin and placed an open hand in front of her, which she hopped on with a wide smile of delight.

Slowly and surely, the giant raised his hand off the ground and bent a little, then placed the tiny girl on top of his leafy head, securely in a nest of branches but still keeping a cupped hand behind her. He almost had to catch her when she suddenly shot upright and shouted, "I win!" earning grunts of disapointement from her friends, especially Abigail, who was close to winning this contest.

Elizabeth leaned back against the hand behind her and planted a small kiss on it. "Thanks Alois, the view her is really super so awesome!"

He had to wrap his hand around the girl as he shook slighlty with silent giggles. Not only were those kids tickling him with every movement; they were also highly cute and lovely, especially this one girl.

No long after, the boys and Abigail reached the top and took comfortable spots. Alois lifted Brittany to her friends, where they all enjoyed small talk and the breathtaking view of a giant. It could have been the perfect endless Wednesday afternoon, if it wasn't for one cursed shout.

"Come here kids! Playtime's over!" This was Ben's dad, meaning the fathers had come back from their stroll and it was time to go back home for everyone. Long sighs of desperation left their mouths while they were lifted up from the top of Alois's head and placed back on the saftey of the ground.

The wooden boy gave a small wave and a wink, before rapidly changing back to the boring, unmoving form of a tree, right as Brittan's mom was coming.

With pouts of disapointment drawing on their faces, the friends waved to each other before leaving with their parents, not without promising to meet again next Wednsday and see for real who was the master at climbing tree boys.

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