👿 ~Big spooks.

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March 27th 2015.

On this special date that marked for Beatrice the beginning of her last primary school's summer vacation, she decided she would go to the local amusement park.

The Sensation Fortes park wasn't, as its name suggested, the most sensational park out there. If anything, it was just a small park with a few cheap games like the one where you need to catch a mole, or the one where you throw halos to targets for plushies.


One old guy with nothing to do in his life bought in that park one equally old and useless house that no one knew what to do of. He had the brilliant idea to turn it into a horror house with the nonexistant money he had left. And despite the lack of means, material, electricity even, he somehow managed to traumatize whoever dared come in.

Beatrice's goal today was to find out the secret of the cheap yet highly effective mechanisms used at the old horror house.

"Aren't cha a little old for those big spooks, kiddie?" Said the old guy, Warren if she heard the rumours right, to the girl as she gave him her ticket.

"Are you kidding me? I'm fourteen!" She shouted angrily. That was wrong, she was only eleven, but it didn't keep her head from puffing up and reddening at being called a kid.

"Gee, fine, fine!" He held his hands up in defeat. "Maybe my eyes are just failing me as death comes closer..." He mumbled under his breath as he ripped the ticket. "Anyway! Only one at a time is allowed here, you'll have ten minutes to find the exit; that is, if you'll be fine going out in public after peeing yo' pants!" He chuckled like an idiot, and Beatrice paid him no mind as she stepped in with a frustrated huff. How dare he!

Right of the bat, the house was drowning in darkness, and the only lights illuminating it were that of the led light that hung dangerously lightly from the ceiling, and some firefly-like lights coming out of nowhere and... Soon, moving!

Low murmurs and soft, devilish laughs filled the air as the lights moved slowly only up and down, but not mechanically. The girl leapt forward and threw her hands at a light, only for it to go up higher than her hands could reach, before swaying back again as if nothing had happened. Upon closer look, they looked to be attached to strings.

"Dangit..." she tried a couple more times; but was met with the same result. Beatrice groaned "It's not like you're scaring me at all!" She shouted to whoever was leading the strings. It was fine, she had plenty of room to go check out.

The light flicked, revealing a staircase to her right. She walked up there, careful as she heard the steps creak under her weight.

The tension of breaking a step made the first floor seem like miles away, but it all vanished at once in a sigh as she finally reached the last loose step.

But it broke!

Beatrice let out a startled scream as she fell down with the wooden board. But it took her a few seconds to realise she was still. How? Through the terror paralizing her body, she managed to peek at her feet, to find a steady and new board just a feet or more bellow.

The girl's cheeks reddened in embarassement and she wiped the tears forming in her eyes. She had just screamed like a little girl! This house had just humiliated her!

She stomped out of the stairs and in the first floor. Her heart was thumping both in horror and rage, but more of the former. "Y-You...'re not getting away with this you just did!" She yelled.

Beatrice burst in the first room she found, adrenaline still pumping in. Anything suspicious, anything that moved... She'd practically throw herself at it, only for it to cower back where she couldn't reach. What was going on?

It went on and and on, in all rooms, and until she was done with the first floor, and soon even, with the entire house. And still nothing!

She sighed in frustration as she made her way back to the exit. This was definitely no way to start off her holidays!

She slumped defeatedly towards the firefly lights one more time, and with one last effort, ignoring the malicious laughs echoing through the room, tried to catch it. And... she couldn't believe it, but her hands had caught one!

A squeal of joy almost left her mouth, and all her previous frustration just vanished. The murmurs and whispers got more frantic, and the girl felt a tug from above, trying to get the light back. Without thinking, she tugged as hard as she could, making a little mass fall from above. She caughed it in cupped hands and squeezed her eyes to try and make it out.

A soft gasp left he mouth when she made out a small humanoid form moving in her hands. Small, thin body with blood red skin, a little pointy tail poking from behind, and two black horns on the top of its head. Was it really what she thought it was? A real demon!?

So was this the old guy's secret? Did he make a deal with the devil himself to make a scary horror house? Beatrice looked at the form in her cupped hands, shaking like a leaf and looking up at her, whimpering fearfully. She couldn't suppress a soft coo at the sight. "Aw~, you're so adorable, you know?"

She didn't know why there were little demons living in the walls of this old house, or how they got here, or even how Warren had any connection to them; But frankly, she didn't really care. Her original goal was always just to find how the house worked, and she did. And her mind was now focused on a whole other idea.

She brought the from to her cheeks and pressed it in a hug, making it go a little limper and whine, afraid. "You're just so cute, I love you!" Beatrice pressed a small kiss on top of its head, and it immediately turned even redder and flustered. How could a demon just be so soft and lovely?

She knew she was contempt. There was no better way to start of the holidays than to make a new best friend!

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