🐟 ~Underwater surprise

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I jumped in the ocean water bellow and let myself sink in. The cold instantly hit my bare cheeks, but my suit kept me warm enough. I gazed, awestruck, at the new world expanding before me. The sunrays relflected on the azure water, melting in an beautiful golden colour. The gentle sway of the waves made me feel like I was floating in the sky, and the feeling seeped deep inside my body. Despite the thickness of the ocean, I had never felt so light and free.

Further bellow, I could see some movement and colours, and I swam towards it. For a few moments, I swam and took in the beauty of the vibrant orange and red coral, the algua, the rockal, the gem-like seashells, everything.

As I swam a little further, I noticed a strange rockary wall woth a small opening that seemed to lead somewhere. I went there and found a narrow tunnel. Curious, I decided to check what was hiding inside. Maybe I could even find a neat little souvenir.

Much to my surprize and confusion, the tunnel lead to another part of the ocean, when it seemed the rock wall created more of a cave. The water expanded as far as the eye could see, but when I far looked up, my eyes widened at the new sight; the top was completely dark and littered with bright little stones, like a night's starry sky. It was really a cave, a massive one.

The place should have been thick with darkness, but thanks to some unknown source of light I still could around see clearly. And boy did I intand to explore.

I swam towards the bottom as fast as I could, eager to find other marvellous discoveries. After only a few moments, I could distinguish some strange forms and movement bellow. There were strange fish swimming around large structures. As I neared the strange place, it became increasingly clear that the structures were some sorts of human buildings made of sand bricks in the shape of bottles, spheres, cubes, and many more geometrical forms. Those strange underwater buildings were as tall as skyscrappers. My heart thumped in my chest, and adrenaline pumped in my veins. Maybe I had just found a forgotten human civilzation, holding a thousand and one secret and richs, maybe this was even atlantis itself!

I practicaly darted towards it, ignoring my aching legs and arms. But as I neared it I slowed my excited pace. What I assumed were some large fish was looking increasingly... Human? I couldn't distinguish much from the disance, but he strange creatures had a dark blue fish tail, and an upper body with a a humanish siliouhette.

I still couldn't believe my eyes, but when I reached the strange city and looked close from the top of omne of the sand building it became clear as day that those creatures really had a fish tail, and a human upper body. Not only that, but they swam closer to the ground, stopped and interacted with each other, exchanged things; they weren't just fish-human hybrids, they were a real intelligent civilization. An hidden underwater civilization.

This was so, so much better than a lost human city.

I gazed with wide eyes and a speeding heartbeat at the merpeople bellow. Too entranced by the discovery, I took a moment to notice and process that there was a bubbling sound behind me. But when I did, I turned around at the speed of light, and when I did, my brain turned to mush. I half excpected a fish, but I was met with a large human face starring at me.

It was a merman.

The size difference was much more striking up close. He must have been easily eighteen feet tall, but he didn't seem intimidating despite it, his eyes mirrored my own curiousity and excitement, and he seemed more eager to scruntize me than harm me.

Neither of us moved for a long moment, instead taking in the other's traits. His dark blue tail connected to an olive-toned bare torso that revealed fish scales littering his shoulders, arms, and chest. He face looked much like a human's, except for gills above his small ears, and unnatural deep blue eyes imprinted with the sea's colour. He looked about my age, if merpeople aged like us humans.

A large smile crept on his face, and soon squished his entire face in delight and adoration. It was so contageous I found myself smiling brightely as well. In an attempt to make a friendly gesture, I waved at him. His gaze followed my hand, and after some hesitation, he slowly lifted a large hand -that could cover my whole torso- and reproduced the gesture. He looked at me questioningly, and I replied with another excited wave and a large, toothy smile.

This may not only be the first exchange between land people and sea people, but it seemed to me like it was the beggining of a beautiful friendship between the unlikliest races.

A lil mermay special FTW :)

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