♠~ My little bully.

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Vanessa woke up, feeling dizzy for some reason. Wait... Why was she waking up? Did she fall asleep? She opened her eyes, only to be met with a blurry environment. But she didn't recognize any shape or colour around. Nervously, she rubbed her dizziness away from the eyes.

When she lifted her head, and she was met with the sight of an unfamiliar bedroom, it was clean, rather tidy, somewhat bigger than average, and from the light colours of the furniture, it seemed like a girl's bedroom. Vanessa started panicking as her fuzzy mind processed the fact that she woke up in the bedroom of a complete stranger.

She hurriedly got up on her feet, but her head had a terrible migraine and she took a step back of shock when her perspective didn't change. When she was laying down, everything was enormous and faraway, as if she was as short as her head, but this was normal. What wasn't normal was that the room didn't shrink when she got up at her full height, as she if she was still laying down, as if she was still as short as her head.

Her panic and confusion growing, Vanessa attempted to lay back down and get back up, or to walk around, to reach for something, to do anything that a little less than six feet tall person could do with ease; but nothing did. It was as if... As if...

"Why are you even trying?" Vanessa's heart skipped a beat when she heard the familiar voice speak up, it was thunderous, powerful, and it held a menacing tone.

She looked around, and her doubts were confirmed when she spotted Aya, a shy, reclusive girl in her class. She sat at the top of a bunk bed, her legs dangling from the side. Her eyes had the same hateful glare Aya gave Vanessa when she was hanging out with her group of friends or her boyfriend, or when she got new clothes. It wasn't jealousy, just pure hatred that made a heavy shudder run down her spine.

"As you may have noticed," Aya jumped down on the floor. And it was so powerful, it was just surreal. It looked like a skyscraper falling from the sky and crashing down. The impact shook the ground so hard it should have cracked it, and the impact made Vanessa loose her balance and fall back.

She craned her neck and watched in horror as Aya's gigantic body approached her; it was massive, and she looked so imposent and intimidating with her head being now the sky Vanessa could only see if she was laying down. Her gaze reached at most the chest part, and she had to scramble back to see her face.

"I shrunk you."

The cruel words echoed in Vanessa's mind as her body shook in terror. This couldn't be real, this couldn't be happening, she had to.be dreaming, surely, only imagination could reach to something so titanic and so powerful.

But the little hope she had of this being the fruit of her imagination was practically crushed, because the pain she felt when Aya's foot came crashing down on her, as the girl mercilessly trampled her.

She gasped as the air was knocked out of her. With how terrified she was, she could be wheezing like a dying man, but instead she found herself using every ounce of strength she had to fight for a breath of air.

"For too long, you kept harassing me at school," Vanessa would have been confused to hear it if she wasn't struggling to fight the increasing pressure on top of her. "You and your fake friends just kept mocking me at any given time, just because you know I'm shy and I'd never speak for myself. Guess you didn't see my revenge coming, huh?" At this point, her lungs were ready to explode. She could tears falling freely. Never! Never had she mocked the girl! She came and discussed with her and teased her just like she teases all her friends, she just wanted to make friends with her, to get her out of her shell.

Vanessa felt the pressure being lifted off of her, and light filled her vision as she struggled to take a few breaths. She could clearly see Aya standing above her, looking at her and... Crying?

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