✴~ Little puppet.

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(THIS is one really old thing I had laying around somewhere, I barely had the first third written, but i liked that start, It's actually the most polished thing I got so far, speaking about the writting and not the plot.

It's an undertale Gt-ish fanfic w/ Error. I wasn't going to post it because ehhh I thought not everyone is interested in undertale here. Than I remembered why I wrote it, it was a gift for the undertale GT people, so might as well finish it and give to em.

So well, here you go,

Enjoy :b

(BTW, you don't need to know undertale to understand this, just so you know that Error is a monster feared by everyone who lives in a white void-like dimension, and he can open portals to other dimensions, picture of him above.)

"Here we go again..." The girl mumbled to herself as she saw the massive nine years old boy running to her. You see, that girl was not human, she was a puppet. And a pretty small and puny one at that; She stood at a ridiculous eleven inches. And her owner was a nine years old boy named Thomas. Thomas had been her 'caretaker' since he was a baby and yet he had never cared to give her a name. It was a miracle that she had survived this long; Thomas treated her like the toy she was and was a very bad owner. She had more cuts than yarns, and she looked like some table cloth. Though, Thomas' mother always 'fixed' her. It was more like painfully sewing her clothes to her skin with as little care as possible.

Of course, the boy didn't know she was alive and sentient. She knew he could throw her away if he did, thinking of her as some processed demonic doll. So all she did was silently bear his toying, without ever showing sign of life. It went on for years, and it was still going on today as the kid started toying with her for the day. Thing were doing bad for her like any other day, till an idea popped in the child's mind.

Thomas held her in a loose fist and called out his mother before going to his dad's office as the woman followed close behind, where he walked to a paper-shredder, which was meant for paper of course, thought the puppet. Thomas held the puppet on top of the machine, a mischievous smile creeping on his face. "Wanna see a trick mom? I can make my puppet DISAPPEAR!" Yelled the boy in excitement, the mom let out a light 'hmph' before walking away and mumbling a soft "We won't buy you a new one again, I swear."

Thomas still held the puppet tauntingly above the engine. Her 'heartbeat' got faster by the second when he turned the shredder on. The sound below her was enough to blur all her thoughts and cover them with wild fear. In a wave of craze and terror, she suddenly shouted "Let me go!" as loud as her padding-like-lungs allowed her to.

When Thomas saw the toy's mouth move and heard sound coming out of it, he couldn't help but loosen his grip for a brief second, which was enough for her to slip only by a few inches before he tightened his grip again; that second was enough for her foot to get stuck in the shredder. A bloodcurdling scream escaped her lips as she felt every inch of her left foot getting forcefully torn away, letting some of her padding spill. A torturous pain sheeted through her leg with terrible intensity and exploded in her head with a blinding whiteness. Her scream felt like a creature going through her throat and clawing at it from the inside, making it sore and hoarse. She felt so many things at the moment; Hatred, distress, fear, rage. Her scream was so piercing that it startled Thomas, who dropped her to his feet. "Y-Y-Y-You c-can-- Y-You're a-a-alive?!"

The girl looked up at him, fear lacing every feature on her face. Terror guiding her movements, she tried to crawl back and away from Thomas. The gesture only scared him further. His hand immediately shot out and grabbed her frail body roughly, before forcefully throwing her out of the window and on the snowy street. She fell face first in the frosty, feathery surface, hearing a distant shout "D-Don't you ever come near me! Y-You demonic thing!"

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