👆~ Hey hey

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"Hey, hey, hey," He poked the exposed skin of her shoulders with every word.

"Hey Mel, Mel, heya," She wasn't listening, but he could feel the girl shaking in her seat with anger. He leaned closer in and kept whispering and whistling in her ear.

A thud resonated in the classroom, and he scrambled back in his seat in time to avoid the palm flying straight for his cheek.

"If you touch me one more time I—" an impressive string of curses and threats followed, each so outrageous and outlandish Aaron could barely stifle his laughter as he looked at the girl seething at him. He lost it at 'soggy piss sock' and barked a laugher. Mel made it too easy to tease her, he couldn't resist the bait.

The teacher's yelling overpowered his classmate's and silenced her, and Mel was sent to the principles office for the third time that day. A new record for Aaron; a success he sadly didn't have time to celebrate before being sent behind Mel.

Aaron shuffled out of the classroom with a few thumbs up and poked tongues to his friends giggling in the back. Class clown was a role he dutifully played and took pride in, and Mel, while seemingly desensitised to his tension-relieving humour, still played a great role in his antics.

Out in the hallways he made sure to keep a safe distance between himself and the girl. Thirty feet or so, and he still feared she might turn around and fling a sneaker at his face. He kept his phone out and his camera on in case something of the sort happened.

But it didn't, and Mel took the wrong path to the office and instead made her way downstairs, shoulders tense and steps uncharacteristically light, almost fleeing. Mel was a hothead, and she didn't hold back on making a show of her ire when the smallest thing put her off. She didn't often look so... well, down in the dumps. Aaron considered his options a second before following the girl's trail.

He didn't make far before she slunk into the girl's bathroom and closed the door as quietly as possible. Coldness settled in the pit of Aaron's stomach, and the call of the headmaster's creaky office chair became even more tempting. Aaron had a hunch for knowing before things went south, and his gut told him to ignore to go get his detention. So why were his feet carrying him to the door? And why were his knuckles knocking on it?

"Are you here?" He attempted, ear on the wooden surface to listen in. Gross, but he also didn't want to turn around and leave if he heard a thud or something.

"Leave, you creep," her voice was loud, not a yell, but more like a hush put on speakers. How did she manage that?

"Upset isn't a look that suits you, darling. You sick?" His mum had always told him he'd pop a nerve or have an aneurism if he kept fretting over everything, the warning had only served to make him mindful of his classmate whose patience wore thin as quick as popcorn cooked. Mindful, but he wouldn't go to the length of not teasing her and giving some sort of special treatment.

Shallow breaths and faint footsteps caught his attention. "Want me to call someone?" He strained his ear for an answer, a sound, a reaction. The breathing got heavier, more erratic, and Aaron expected to hear Mel retching anytime then.

Instead, a crash made him fling the door and rush in, breath and heart both stuck in his throat.

Mel was there, thankfully. Not on the floor, not passed out, eyes focused on him, and so inhumanly tall he staggered back before his mind even finished processing the sight.

Whatever he was looking at wasn't human. The girl had her knees drawn to her chest and her head pressed against the ceiling, said head as large as a bathtub— his eyes weren't tricking him, she was getting taller by the second.

Aaron reached a hand for the door, and a flash of movement made him stagger back with a shriek, but he wasn't fast enough, and an impact on his torso made him fall back and knocked the air of his lungs.

Had he eaten something mouldy? Was the stress of exams getting to him? But the pain in his chest disagreed, it told him he'd just been hit with the force of a car running him over. His thoughts and worries blurred and blended together, and he stared at the bright ceiling light overhead for what he wished was only a few seconds before his body jolted with a breath, then another, another. Rationality took a hold of his muscles and forced him up to his knees, made his hand reach for the knob again—

A larger-than-life sneaker blocked his view of the wooden door. His eyes trailed over to follow the rest of the body, until his eyes rested on the face looming over him, belonging to the girl who was then three or four times his weight. It wasn't a dream, but he prayed that the frown on her crimson face was.

She lifted her hand and extended it to him at lightning speed, and her finger forced him back to the ground before he could protest. She lifted it off, and Aaron tried to speak, to reason with her, but the finger as tall as himself came back for his chest and knocked on his ribcage, pressing hard enough he feared the cracking sound that would surely ensue.

She lifted off again, and Aaron rolled to his side, arms curled around himself. He tried to fight off, defend himself, make a plea, but the knocks came raining down on every side of him, making his body contort to get away and cutting his breath so short he couldn't even cry out or inhale.

"Hey, hey, hey Aaron."

Strange Sizes (G/T Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now