Delphine chapter 2

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The only two words I can think now are “HOLY CRAP!!” Kailey just discovered the existence of a 'Luke Hutchinson'. I now officially hate the name 'Luke'. He's kind and 'smart' by Kailey's description. By mine he's butt-ugly and as thick as Hell. Oh, wait. That's an insult to Hell. She met Lukie in the social hall while we were discussing something. I'm not entirely sure what the subject of the conversation was, but I know it had an 'h' in it. I usually zone out when we have group discussions. During the 'talk' Kailey's pathetic attempts at flirtation kept the group amused, while I nearly vomited. I mean come on! Honestly, who twirls their hair? Especially if it's only shoulder length!

Now, I'm worried. Big time. What if Kailey goes to the other oval! I'll be stuck by myself! I know how selfish that sounds, but that's human nature. It's built in to want attention, a social life. Without people to talk to, you go CRAZY! Trust me, I've seen it happen! Like this guy Ben Pearyl was friendless, but he was kept mostly sane by Melanie. Well, Melanie then proceeded to fall in love with someone else, and it broke Ben's heart. He tried so many things, including starving himself up a tree for a week, and cutting himself. Personally, I think all that emo stuff it for wusses. If you want to be anything other than a popular barbie, be Goth! I'd like to be, but I only have green clothes (when I first came here, Mrs Pinch took me for a green girl). Poor Ben. They chucked him out on the streets, because he wasn't 'proceeding socially', and it was apparent he wasn't going to fall in love any time soon.

I'm sitting under 'his' tree now, with Kailey and Luke. They are talking, trying to get to know each other. I think Kailey is a bit over the top with the whole thing. She's fixated on that guy, and she is determined to get him to like her. Mrs Pinch is doing all sorts of tests on them, more than normal with a couple. Maybe the deadline for the research for this drug is coming up.

Its been a week. Today is it. Today is the last day I'll ever see Kailey. I'll miss her. So much. I wont miss him, the one that is taking my only friend to the other side. Now I think I can understand Ben's point of view. I feel like sitting down and crying, but I have to get off my arse and say goodbye to Kailey, and tell her good luck on the other side, yada yada yada. But I don't want to. I've repeated that sentence too many times. Last time was bad enough, but not again. Besides, sisterhood is more precious than a boyfriend, and she who doesn't abide to that rule doesn't deserve my good bye. Speak of the devil, here she comes.

“Isn't this all so exciting!” she pipes. Without waiting for an answer, she kisses my cheek and says, “ I'll miss you”. Will she now.

“Bye”, I mumble.

She seems content with this answer, and walks off, calling, “Lukie! Its time to go!”

I walk to my bed and bury my face in my pillow. She never even said goodbye. Surely I was a better friend than that!? Now I'm going to go mad like Ben, all because of one annoying little word; LOVE. Amore as it is in Italian. However you want to say it, that word is EVIL! Mark my words, it was invented in hell.

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