
My beta stood and bowed before presenting himself to the centre; in front of me. "Alpha Perino, I have got information from the 'La Unité' patrols that many new intruders are present in the clan."

I hummed. "That's wonderful!" I fake exclaimed happily. I stood up from my throne and took slow steps towards him. "That's absolutely a good news to hear!" I cracked my knuckles. I angrily breathed out and snapped my head towards him.

"Did they describe how they looked, Beta Memnzo?" My third in command asked with a concerned look.

My beta shook his head. "They said that one week ago three people have entered the territory without their knowledge. And three days ago a pair of mates have asked to enter the clan as they were shunned from Alpha Xavier's pack."

Alpha Xavier? The Alpha who lives opposite to the 'La Unité' clan? I have never had a huge connection with that person. He was just very irritating as hell. I could have killed him centuries ago, but then I left him as he was the only Alpha who could block any Royal's power to be used on him and his pack which proved he was strong. 

I just wished for the strength to live and the weak to be tortured in my kingdom.

"What else did they mention?" My voice rumbled.

"One of the patrol guards was informed that the mates came to visit the union. But on the same day, the destruction at 'Menenton' forest as taken place."

My fourth in command walked towards me and bowed. "My Alpha, we have also come to know that the slaves and the wolves have escaped from there and the guards who were protecting that small opening were brutally killed."

"What?! 'Menenton' forest is captured?!" I growled.

"Not c-captured, in fact, it's cleared." Memnzo stuttered. "We believe it's linked to the intruders."

"Alpha!" A loud voice boomed in the hall. My head along with the other turned to see who it was. "Four prisoners have escaped!"

I roared in anger and faced him faster than lightening. "What. Do. You. Mean?" I asked as calmly as I could.

I then remembered the human whom I left to rot in the cell. Bella.

How could I forget to keep a check on her?!

No, I didn't forget. I gave this work to Annalisa.

"A-Alpha Perino, it has been noted that a h-human, two wolves and one hybrid have left the cell through a hole in one of the c-cells." The guard's voice reached my ears.

"Bring Annalisa here!" All of them present in the room stared at each other. "Now!"

My chest heaved as I tried to control my anger. How could I have been so careless to leave her alone in a cell?

"Lead me to the dungeon." My beta nodded and started walking.

I looked around myself to distract me from my rage. My claws extended and my canines sprouted from my gums yet I controlled it.

Bella shouldn't have escaped, nor the mates are Leonardo and her. I needed to find them and kill them before everything goes out of power.

How did Leonardo reach here? How did he? Who were the others who accompanied him?

"My Alpha? We have reached..."

I growled causing the room cells to jiggle. I glared at the people who were trying to hide away from me.

Foolish chickens. I huffed.

"My king?" A shrill voice entered my ears. My face twisted in an expression of disgust and turned to look at her, my 'mate' Annalisa. "Did you call me?"

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