Seven: The Drunk Angel Food Cake

Start from the beginning

Fuck. He's got a point there.

I refuse to listen.

"And your point is."

"My point is, Ms. Parks, that I have full control over what you do in here." He takes one step closer and I do the stupid by not taking a step back. "So basically, as long as you're in my club...I own you."

I stare up at him with the same intense glare that he's starting back down at me with. I blink my eyes rapidly as spots start to play in my vision.

You really had to go and drink that last martini didn't you?

"Ms. Parks—"

"I think I'm gonna throw up," I interrupt.

His eyes grow wide. "Wait, right now."

I barf all over his shoes. His nice, polished shoes might I add.

But I didn't just barf once. Oh no, no, no. Try a big whopping three times right on Professor Dickhead.

I stand back up straight and wipe my mouth off with the back of my hand.

"Oops," I say with a little shrug. "At least there wasn't chunks."

Good save.

"Okay, I think you've had enough," Mr. Williams says as he tries to take a step closer to me. But this time, I do take a step back.

"Oh no, no, no, just one more drink," I protest. I turn around to face the bar. "Hey, bartender, give me martini with extra—Whoah—" I feel my knees give out from underneath me, causing gravity to do its duty.

Haha, you said duty!

"Easy there, big spender," Mr. Williams says as he's quick to snake his arms around my waist to catch my fall. "I think it's bedtime for you, missy."

I let out a laugh as Mr. Williams picks me up and carries me bridal style in his arms. "Whaaaaaat," I exaggerate. "I'm fine—I'm great. In fact...I'm freat." I let out a snort. "Get it? Freat is fine and great put together. Isn't it genius?"

"It's genius, angel," Mr. Williams says back. "Hey Jason," Mr. Williams then calls out to my brother as we reach the bar. "I think I'm gonna go ahead and take your sister home. You can stay here and finish your shift."

"Jason," I whisper/yell as I snuggle myself more into Mr. Williams, making the next words that come out of my mouth not so convincing. "Don't let him take me, please. I heard he does bad things. Veeeeeerry bad things."

I hear as Jason laughs and that earns for me to send a drunk pout in his direction. "Don't worry, sis, if he does any of these bad things, I'll make sure to rough him up good."

"Watch yourself," Mr. Williams says to Jason with a laugh.

It's a nice laugh.

I like nice laughs.

"Didn't I request a martini with extra olives?" I ask in Jason's direction.

"Oh I think you've had enough olives for one night," Mr. Williams answers for him.

"Okay fine, then just the martini part. No olives."

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