The Happiest Place on Earth

Start from the beginning

Arthit pulled the blade out, and it was much heavier than he thought. From the flat of his blade, he saw his own reflection. His hair was gelled back, and his brows were a lot thicker.

"Not bad. I look very manly. I don't like this hat, but I guess it goes with the cape."

Arthit put his sword away, and walked around until he came to a clearing. Ahead of him was miles and miles of grassland. The lush green grass was higher than his knees.

He kept walking, not really knowing where he was going. The tall grass made walking a little difficult since he couldn't really see where his feet was landing. So Arthit took his sword out, and started swinging. At first, it was very cool to see how the grass was sliced at the touch of his blade, and instantly fall to the ground. But soon, his arms got tired from swinging the sword so much.

"Ugh, where the hell am I?" Arthit looked around exhausted.

Ya. Ya. Ya.

"Prince Arthit! I'm so glad I found you. We have been looking all over for you." A soldier in bronze armor riding a horse came out of the forest.

"Prince Arthit? Are you talking to me?" Arthit pointed to himself confused.

"Of course Your Grace. We are the only ones here." The soldier said.

"This is awesome. I'm a Prince. Prince Arthit does roll off the tongue very well." Arthit said to himself while the soldier looked at him weirdly.

"Ehem. Your Grace, you must come with me at once. The Princess is waiting for you. We have no time to waste." The soldier looked at Arthit seriously.

"Princess? What do you mean princess? I'm married. See?" Arthit raised his hand to show his wedding ring only to find it missing from his hand.

Arthit panicked. "Crap! It must have fallen off. Please help me look for it. It's platinum with little sparkles of diamonds. It's very pretty."

"Prince Arthit, there's no time for jokes. You have not been wed. Princess Kongpob is still in deep slumber." The soldier was getting more annoyed by the second.

"Princess who?" Arthit finally looked up from searching the ground.

"Princess Kongpob! Your true love." The soldier answered.

"Hahaha.... Kongpob! Kongpob is a princess! Oh my God." Arthit laughed so hard he started rolling on the ground.

"Your Grace, this is not a laughing matter. If you don't break the spell, Princess Kongpob will sleep forever. King Kerklai will invite other princes from other kingdoms to kiss Princess Kongpob if you don't go now." The soldier explained.

"What! No one can kiss my Kong! No one! Take me to my princess at once. Princess Kongpob, please wait for me baby. I'll be there to kiss you senseless." Arthit shouted.

Arthit got on the back of the horse, and rode off to the castle where Princess Kongpob was in deep sleep. The soldier rode up to a tower that was connected to the main castle by a cobble stone bridge.

"Your Grace, Princess Kongpob is sleeping at the top of the tower. There's an entrance on the other side, but it is guarded by the witch Maleficent in dragon form. All the King's guards have been barbequed by her fiery breath. So you must defeat her before you can save Princess Kongpob."

"Damn it! Why couldn't I be the princess? I sleep like a log even without a spell." Arthit looked at the tower, and then looked around for the said dragon.

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