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It was already a week being tutored by Finn, and being TORTURED by holding back. ARGH! why do I have to hold back! honestly I am really not okay, these lingering feelings still is on me. And yet the fact keeps pestering me about the Son thing, ... son of a-

"Vienna, have already finished the Book 2?" Finn said. And I just stared at him. "I said, are you done with Book 2? Cos we got 4 more books to go, and 3 more sets of questionnaires. You still have to submit thesis paper about this-"

"Hush! I got it, sheesh!"

He just stares at me, worried. "Am I pressuring you that much? Tell me." he looks across at me. Its been so long since I look back to his marbled eyes for too long. Its still the marbled eyes that mesmerized me long time ago. Still the same spark... still same eyes.

He's my son. ARGH! Mr. D echoed in my head. I know that sheesh! stop shitting my head will ya! I shook my head in my being. "No, I'm fine." In a flat tone.

"You sure?"

"Cant we just get to the tutoring instead?!"

He stopped in his endearment and went on to the teaching.

* * * * *


After the sembreak class for today, I noticed Vienna and I had build up some space in between. its not like friends before, were now like student-teacher relationship. And I'm not taking a like to this.

'Hey Vienna!" I halt her yet she was giving me an uninterested look. 'What?" She response thank God.

"I was thinking.. maybe we could talk about the 'go out' thing. you know, I know a new place just near in the unversity. They got loads of special ice cream and cakes and-"

"oh really~ Is that a fat joke?" She said dryly. And I look more ridiculous to her.

"N-no. of course not." I directly oppose her. "I was saying that we could continue our date later and-"

"Did you say... date?"

"Oh! I ... uhh.." This is making me embarrase to shits. As I rub my nape. "Well.. We could continue where we let off then."

"Really?" She asked so innocently.

"yes, we could." i said to her gleefully.

She looked skeptical, moving gazes at me, back and forth. "Whats the matter? you not fond of the place? We could change location and-"

'Its not that... Its just that..." She looks more hesistant. Why?

"So, what? Do you have any thing to do after? We could set it off to another day of you want." Agh Shit, why am I being like this her? I am so damn eager to get her on a date. Why are you so persistent Finn!

"Its more...I mean, its complicated. It...I mean now, it BECOMES complicated now. I think we should stop thinking about this unfinished where we left off thing, and just focus on my sembreak class, thats all."

Brows furrowed at her, scanning every bit of her pupil. Searching in the depth of truth in her eyes. yet I saw was full black. She's really serious I could tell. Yet I felt something different in me, something that doesnt really a common feeling to me. I felt that I should be determined in this kind of matter.

"We could fix the complications." I said eargerly as she was staring at me, morelike questioned on why am forcing still. "Whats the reason, then I could help with that problem. Wait, what is the problem anyways?" there she was more curious then a bit angry.

"This complications Finn... couldn't be fix anymore." She emphasized my name. "And I know you know what the problem is, dont pretend like you dont know. tchk.." Then she walked away, yet I know even if tried to ask her, she'll flick it away.

Damn fallen in my ass. This is a first. I've never been dumped by a girl before. I was just in awe, covering my mouth, and slide my fingers across my lips like I'm pissed.

"Hard! That harsh , Bro." As Travis anchored his arm on my shoulder. Yet I took his hand away, angrily. "Whats the sudden mood?!"

I just shook my head, unbelievingly. Then I walked out of the room. Left travis there. "hey, hey Finn! give Mr. D a call now!" he told me as I ignored him.

* * *

(General pov)

"hey Vienna wait!" Finn runs towards her as holding her arm back.

"what? i need to go home now."

"i need to know the problem. what is it? tell me." Finn was very eager to her. And Vienna couldnt talk about it to him since it would be awkward. realizing that she shouldnt liked him from the start.

"its just that... you do know that... You are Mr. Domble's..."

"Finn?!" and here comes Mr. Domble. he walks towards the two and more of questionned look. Even Finn and Vienna were eyes widen, especially Vienna whom she recalled what Mr. D said to her last time. this is where 'Meet the Parent' comes now.

Books & Sexes: Nico Mirallegro (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now