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Why do I feel the tense around us. I felt she's a bit away from me. Or so I guess, because were just seated infront of each other. everytime I look at here, she's moving her eyes away from me. does she get mad when I didnt said her the truth?

"Hey vienna... about this." She didint looked at me, well she's busy. "I'm sorry I didnt get the chance to tell you about this. I was about to tell you today yet Mr. Yovitch said that I got an errand to do for him. So.."

'Vienna!" I called to her attention again. 'What?!" I groaned at him. "Sorry I didnt get you. What is it?" I looked at her. "I said I'm sorry, dont be mad at me please.' I was begging enough.

She just stared at me not too long, then she moved away. "Its fine now. Lets just get this over with." As she concertrate on her assignments. I guess, she's really mad.

* * * * *


Ugh stop pretending Finn. Why are you even calling your own father in his surname? He's your goddamn father you dimwit. Stop pretending, I already knew you it!

I guess this is the dead end of this all, my lovestory. Shit! I cant stop spitting words of it. Who would ever guess that, the guy you like is the son of your most precious professor. All be damned ofcourse. Well, I guess, my feelings for him should stop at this right now cos I knew there will no good outcome instead of multiple F minus amrked by Mr. D if ever he'll know I like his son.

Argh. Why cant I teach this heart to choose someone instead. 

"Well... teacher." I emphasized it to him. And it makes him a bit awkward. "Where should we start next?" From this day forward until the last day of the semester, dont worry Mr. D, i'll be professional as much as possible as I said it to you. I wont get inlove with your Son anymore , ever!

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