BS 13 (Finn)

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I just raised an eyebrow at this pudgy girl and pointed something right at my chest. My Student ID Card. And she was all staring and rosey cheeks came appearing at her cheeks. I cover my lips that gradually forming a smile.

"So, are we just gonna stare at each until we melt..?" I spoke again, firmily this time. "Hey!" I snapped right at me. "You know this isn't just vandalism, Miss. Youre commiting a crime here." She thought my tone wasnt that serious. So she just smirked a joke.

"What are you an FBI undercover, arresting studs who'll break the school rules?" she laughed.

I arched a brow at her. "Maybe. Maybe not." I reply at my flat tone. She pause and look down in shame. Thinking it wasnt really the right time to clown around. Yeah, better think of it, girl, before ruining my book.

Yet she looks stiffened again, how cute. "Pfft!" I chuckle then a laugh cameafter. "Your face looks funny. You're like a kid horrified in a circus wheels." Then I laugh alot. remembering my little sister's pudgy face after a horror circus wheels. She looked a bit pissed, yet she sets her head down.

"You weren't tough as I thought you'd be." I said, smiling.  there she goes her staring again, I snapped right at her. "Hello? Am I talking in air here?"

She blinked for several times. "I, ... Wait, are you, british?" She asked me, intended in ignoring my question. 

"As a matter of fact, Yes. And again, I'm the new librarian here. And you just got 'MY' book written with the word 'SLUT'. Thank you very much." I sounded anxious and a bit irritated. I shouldnt get too overly out of path, since I talked to her because of the book  she vandalized. Great, Uncle would be mad.

"Ill report this to Mr. Yovitch." The moment I said it and was about to leave to the counter.

"What, No! Wait! Wait a minute." She halt me there. "I-I am very sorry to what I did to your book and I didnt know it was yours. If I was, I wouldnt do it!" I raised a brow at her. Helping my lips again to stop smirking.

"I-I'm just saying that I didn't mean to do it!" She raised her tone. And i just anchored sidely. "Its just that, I got my anger on and fed to the book instead. But I didnt do it on purpose. Honestly, I did not." She begged eagerly. Then I  calm down a bit as my shoulers weigh down.

She sighed softly. "Please dont tell Mr. Yovitch about this. I still have my detention and I didnt hope for more.."

I remember my little kiddo sister from her. I pat her head. Thinking she'll calm a bit. As I continued rubbing her head unnoticingly I'm smiling.

Then when I was about to let go, "A little longer.." she mumbled. "What?" I asked in awe and she let my hand go. "What did you say? " i contuned asking him. i thought I heard her.

"H-huh? What? D-Did you say something? I didnt, did you?"

"Nope, I think you said something."

"Pfft, No I didnt!" I stared at me curiously and cant assume if I was right or not. 

"You know, let me make it up to you." she segwayed. Whats her offer?

"How?" I asked.

"I'll pay it." Really?! I cant help my smile now. This pudgy not ordinary, she's rich?!  "How much does that book cost? I'm sure it won't cost a bu-"

"30 bucks." i answered directly. Well, its actually just 7 bucks. I could be a better seller in the future. I just smirk right at her.

"Come again?" Trying to clear her ear, literally.

"THIRTY BUCKS." I repeated her.

"W-What, 30 bucks?!"

"Yup, Don't trust me? Check it in the bookstore instead." Wait, why did I even suggest to look it in the bookstore. She may say, I'm lying. Think you dumb Finn!

"How- Why- What?! How can a book be that expensive nowadays?! I mean, its just a book."

"Well, its that now. You cant change it." I laughed as I was roaming around the counter. I just cant help my  mouth on talking. "So, are you gonna pay me for this or what?" i sounded demanding. If she didnt buys it, then its fine. I could let off 7 bucks. Though its still a bit high. But if she buys it, then well and good.

"W-well, ... promise me, youre not gonna tell that to Mr. Yovitch."

I widened my eyes, in awe. She buys it. I hide my smirk. "If the money suits it." Hell, why do I need to hide it. I smirked the hell of the devil.

"Fine! I'll pay." she grumply added. Wait, she is really is paying?!  

"Wait! I have a better idea!" That come right off my mouth. I pause for a second, thinking for another way around.

"Better... idea?"

What my casanova friend always says for a getaway to girls. "Meet up here tomorrow after your detention." Is that okay to ask? By the way, I know she got her detention since i saw Uncle scold her awhile ago about that.

"Like.. like a date.. or something?" Her cheeks formed red. And I was abit awky for a moment.

"Hmmm Maybe. Maybe not." I just smiled and waved bye away so that she couldnt feel awkward.

Did I just ask a stranger girl for a moment?! Argh what on earth are you thinking Finn?!

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