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(Author's note: its been a long time updating this. thank you all for reading this, to those voting, and adding this in their reading list. Thank you very much! Sorry for the grammar and some mispelled words in the previous chapters. Just been lazy editing. I just wanna write. Hehe Pls forgive me for that. pls~ well here's a new chapter of Vienna and Finn! I hope you like it. Pls comment and criticize, were an open world here in wattpad :) pls read the previous chapter if you want to know whats going on this chapter.

(Finn pov)

"hey Vienna wait!" I ran towards Vienna as I hold her arm back.

"Is there anything you need of me Sir Finn? Cos I need to go home now." she said as im letting her arm go.

"Sir Finn?"

"yeah. So what is that you want Sir? Okay fine, ill answer those takehome right away!" she's even saluting me?

"please quit saying Sir. Im not even close to a teacher."

"why not? Youre my tuitor so its necessary to call you SIR, Sir Finn."

"Were already done with the tuitoring so drop that word."

"what word?"

"Vienna!" Im sensing she's mocking me. She's really that mad?

"please, lets talk like before you known me as your tuitor."

she stared at me for a sec and exhaled. "Fine then! Get your ass out of my way Finn cos I need to go home now or do I need to bulldozed you off?!"

"well I kinda miss that." I smirked. Yet she scoffed. "okay wait. I need to know whats up first!"

Then she literally looked up above her. "uhm? There's nothing new. The ceiling is still intact I guess."



"i'm serious!" I kinda shouted.

"you Mad?!" she shouted backg

"n-no, sorry I yell.." I sighed prior. "Its just that.. I need to talk to you.. Im dead serious with you now, please.."

"i am too. I am freakin serious. And if you'll excuse me, I need to go home now."

"wait! Just a for second.."

"quit pulling me back okay.. My arm's kinda sore right now."

"sorry.. i just dont understand. I want to know whats up with us, youre like ignoring me outside class. I know youre mad at me cos you thought im just toying with the date thing and stuff. Thats why im here to apologize. Youre getting this all wrong." as you could see, im eager to know whats up with her. But she couldnt talk about it.

"Vienna lets talk just for a sec okay. Listen.."

"fine.. Seconds counting.."

"Vienna, the date and stuff. Im serious to that and I wanna hang out with you. Its just that, I just need to fill with these unexpected errands coming. But I really wanna go out with you."

Her face softened a bit.

"And well.. Sorry I didnt told you that I kinda have a parttime job being a tuitor. Sounds so nerd freak right?"

"W-well.. Yes, A bit nerdy freak.. Yet youre a cool one." the moment she smiled. Oh god, I  wanted to grab her puffy red cheeks. Am I forgiven now?

"so uhm.. Im sorry Vienna. Is that why youre mad? Or is there anything youre still mad about?"

She stared at me for a second as her smile fades. There is still something I could sense it.

"It just that...Finn you do know that you are Mr. Domble's..."  she slowly murmured.

"I am Domble's what?"

"Youre Mr. Domble's--"


"Son?!" Mr D's voice came aloud the hallway directing to me. and here he comes walking towards us and more of questionned look on his. I noticed Vienna became more uneasy when Mr. D came, who doesnt? Well, i'm immune now.

"Mr. Domble.."

"Finn, boy!" he called at me again as he pat my shoulder. "I assume you're done for the day." then he glance at Vienna.

"Yes Mr. Domble.." I answered yet Vienna kept silenced beside me.

"And how was the tuitor of my Son Ms. De Jesus?" he asked her.

"It was.. Fun!" is she ironically speaking. Damn! she's really pissed, I could feel. Fun? What a glad word to describe the tuitoring session.

"do you need anything from me?" I asked Mr. D to cut his tense briefing on Vienna.

"Ah right, yes. Lets go to our office to discuss those everything. I need you to help me with something. Youre now dismiss for today Ms. De Jesus.. "

Wait! I still need to talk to Vienna.

"is it urgent?" I ask Mr. D.

"I wouldnt talk and ask you Son, if its not urgent. Tch like I would do it with Travis but since he's already helping Mrs. Rickettes for today.. Ugh~ that Cockdike boy, had already have a new owner! Whatever, well doesnt matter, still have you Son.."

Oh right. Travis loves Mrs. Rickettes baking. Must have been that reason for helping her.

"O-okay. Could I just go in there after  a minute?"

"Why? You still have a talk to her?"

"uhm.." then I looked at her.

"well, is there to talk about with, Ms. De Jesus?"

She tensed up a bit and hake her head. "No. Its nothing Mr. Domble. Were actually done for the day. See you Mr. Domble and thanks Sir Finn."

Then there she goes leaving again. And whats with me and Mr. Domble? Ugh my brain toxicating.

Worse, WHATS WITH THE 'SIR FINN'?! am I that old?! Ugh Vienna~

Books & Sexes: Nico Mirallegro (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now