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"Oh, its you!" He sounds a bit surprised. Innocently greeting me like it was nothing he did,  like ditching me without advice.

"Oh, its you... too!" While I sounded fully annoyed. Though he's inches apart from me. I could smell that Hugo cologne he's wearing. I notice he looks kinda formal today. His hair all brushed up and clean face. Well, he always have that clean face. Black jeans and tucked in gray shirt. Do we some kinda change in here? Student librarian must wear formal on the SOP. Oh please dont let this guy turn into old fashioned Mr. Yovitch. Women on earth will be damned!

We kinda made a space. Then I notice the book his holding. The wonder book I need to answer my wonderful quiz.

"I heard youre searching for something." He said. "Can I help you with that?"

Just look at this guy. Asking me freely like nothing happened. "No its okay. Its the.. uhm.. book youre holding." Shit! I'm stuttering!

"Oh this!" He shows it to me but still he's holding it.

"Y-yeah.. Can I b-borrow it...?" I ask him. I couldnt looked at him in the eyes but he can look at me reversively.

He looks at the book, scanning the pages. "Geez, I want to but I needed this too." He slightly smirked at me - shrugging even. I sulk at it a bit. Youre the worst, you know that! You still owe me, hello! 

Because I cant the handle the situation anymore, might as well ditch the scene up. "Okay.. I'll just find another book then.." I give up and was about to leave yet he stop me from going.

"Wait, you know we could share this book, if you want." He smiles at me like he was teasing and that made my heart skip a bit. "It'll be easier, I could teach some things you dont know." Oh my God, we'll be sharing the same book. Teaching me things I dont know. Fuck the pervertiveness I'm keeping this years is now swallowing me alive! But I shook my head firmly. You think with that, I could left you off that easily.  

"No thanks... I bet there are other books that might help me. Chao!" 

"Really, wouldnt you be running out of time searching for other books." He adds as he look at me with worse smirk he's giving me.  I just arch a brow at him. He's right. I need that book to finish my quiz here. Fine, just for this time I'll let you off the bat.

Books & Sexes: Nico Mirallegro (UNEDITED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن