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  • Dedicated to Raul Torres Jr.

After a two-day absence, I decided to go to school today. I wonder how will Mr. Yovitch react on me for being absent? Do I even bother. He's the one who got me in trouble with Mom! But what really pains me is if I'll met Finn.

Its not that I felt dump. Its just that I hoped for nothing.

"Tsk why do I even bother? Its my fault for assuming things to early just because someone asked me."

I pack up my things and I'm good to go. I felt there's a sudden change in me after I woke up ths morning. After what happened last night which moved me a lot. I ran down through the stairs, excitedly. Then I met Mom halfway through. Almost forgotten what happened between us yesterday too. I stopped at the second step of the stairs, and Mom paused infront of me. I hesitated to engage a conversation since I had talk to her badly. Mom was about to speak, yet I went first.

"Mom.." I started, placing my right on the knob of the stairs, holding unto it hardly, where I'm getting my courage at. "I'm sorry for talking back at you like that. I was just.. a bit off and disappointed from school and I let it blow at you. I'm sorry.." As I'm saying, Mom came hugging me and I hug her back.

"I'm sorry too, dear. I didnt meant to drag it up to you. I tend to brought the past again. Yet I was just offended by the way you talk. I'm sorry.." She draw a tear and I almost did.

"Were fine now right?" I said.

She cups my cheek, smiling back. "Yes. Were okay now.. Im really really sorry deary."

Then Dad came from outside getting his delivered newspaper and surprised by the scene were having. "Did I miss something here?"

Mom and I just chuckle. "Were just happy youre here.." Mom alibied. Both of us came hugging Dad. Felt my heart bloated in joy. Didnt think of any hurts and pains at the moment.

Thanks grandma.. I feel she's happy too.


As I went to school, Kat greeted me. "Morning Vien.. You were absent yesterday, why?"

"I was just tired and needed a day off... Anyways, Did Mr. Yovitch happened to find me?" I ask while I patch up my things at my locker.

"Speaking of the devil. Mr. Yovitch is coming towards us." Kat warned me as she was directing her eyes at our professor. "Sorry, Catcha' later!" Kat left me alone there. "Wait Kat!" And I turned around immediately. I was about ditch up but no use. Im all cornered up again. Yet all I do was smile as he was coming towards me.

"Going somewhere Ms. De Jesus?" He asks me seemingly off the bat to make me shame again here in the hallway.

I cough and clear my throat before telling. "I... uh.." Still no use, I'm still stuttering.

"I..? Uh? Speak up, you do have a tongue right?"

I gulped before greeting again, "Sorry Sir..."

"Needless to ask why you are absent yesterday..." He arches a brow on me and passes on a quiz to me. "We had it yesterday."

"What is this...?" 

"Dont you have eyes, Ms. De Jesus? It's a quiz! And I'm letting you take it today. So hurry hurry, answer it immediately!" He comes shooing me away to go to the library for there to answer it.

"Wait.  Can I just answer it at the classroom?" I slightly demanded. Yet he just pauses beside me and lowers his oblonged glasses and furrowed eyes at me.

"Dont you wanna take the quiz or not?" He bet I wouldnt refuse. But Dumbo doesnt know whats coming up if I stay at the library for God's sake. "Its only for an hour, so you better answer it immediately. You got that, Ms. De Jesus?"

"Y-yes Sir..." I promptly agreed and went to the library hesitantly. I peak every corner of the room thinking I could spot unnecessary person that I dont want to see. I tip toed. Yea, you heard me. I tip toed as soon as I get a chair away from most people sit. I sat on the back singled-desk where bookshelves were overshadowing me.

"This is the great spot alright." I put my bag beside me and get my ballpen starting. I thought I feel the hyped I'm putting but still cant change the fact that I could be seeing someone I dont wanna ever see. Have I said it again, sorry I'm just so irritated to that.

"Okay... British subject..." I started readng the first question. Then I stared it for too long. When I cant answer it,  Let me just answer the second question instead. My eyes were switching from one question to another untl I got to the last page. And I dont even know what this explains. What the hell! I cursed inwardly.

"Argh! I even dont know where British came from?! I'm an American for God' sake!" I burst out even though I'm on the library. Hell I care, people wont even see who's doing it since I cant be seen here. The hell! I dont know a single thing here. I slump my back at chair and roam my eyes around. And see alot of books on every corner of the room. Thinking, where am I again? Ah yes, the library. Where all kinds of books are rested on.

Damn Vienna, whats the use putting you by that Dumbo or Dumble or Yovitch or whatever, in the library and these books. This is a win-win, Hello! Then I stand up and roam around the shelves to get some informations I needed for my quiz.

"I am so lucky right now!"

So much for my happily moment, I forgot one thing that I should be cautious about. Having Finn in the library. As I was on the British section, and I kinda remember the book I've vandalized last day. Is it still here? Or did he throw it up? I shook my head again and focus on my quiz. I pointed my finger on the book and starting finding the book that that Dumbo refered to us. What is it again?

"The Arch on...Britain History. Volume 1 by J. Nicholson. Where is it?" I cant find it. I should go ask for it at the counter. I was about to ask but then again, what if Finn's there? I still remember Finn might be there. "No no, I cant!" I went at the other side of the shelf. I decided to find it myself. "No, I can find it! I dont need any help coming from him. I wont need any even he's the last person on this library.

Seconds pass, minutes interlude. Still no sign of the damn book after whole 30 minutes of my life. It wastes my time just finding it. Argh.

"Should I ask now?" I step forward.

 "No..No.. I can still find it!" I step bakc and look at my wristwatch. "But I'll be running out of time." I shook my head again banging at the books. "I cant find that DAMN BOOK!"

"Can I help with you that?" same deep familiar voice came from behind. And of course, I was needing it. So I immediately reacted upon his offer. I turn around and there this guy who stands behind me holding the book I need.

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