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As he continued discussing about the completion I needed under his subject,

"What the-?! I still have classes on sembreak?!" I yelled abit as I complained. Yet Dumbo just nodded and smirk shows a little which makes me more irritating.

"Yes, you did even have incomplete attendance on my subject. So I suggest, you ought to have classes under mine."

"B-but?! Why is that Mr. Yovitch?"

He just arched a brow at me. "I ask for your suggestion yet you didnt even say your point. So might as well go for mine."

"I didnt even say a word because i thought youre thinking the other way around. So..." I sound so awkwardly at that. Yet Dumbo just stared at me like a criminal confessing on. 

His face horrified. "Just gross, Ms. De Jesus." Did this old geezer just grossed out of me?! What guts he has!!! I should be the one grossing out here. He rolled his eyes away from me. I just puffed off a sigh. Then he just continued went on. He gave me these thick inch paperworks, and tons of questionnaires for this whole sembreak shit class. He lead me to the library, and from there is the start of my sembreak class.

"Are you really dead serious here, Sir Yovitch? I think these wont be finished until next semester!" I complained as he was chuckling in all his damn. Oh I'll be damned!

"Here, finish these." Poiting at the questionnaire I'll be answering. "Finish this, all neat and well-answered. get that?"

"Sir, cant I just take this all home and answer these, then I'll meet you up here to submit these all? Please." I begged in all might. Yet he just smirk and shook a 'no'. 

I groaned. "I'm just saying..." I was about to add more complains yet he cut me off. As he was like hurrying on to deal with other important matters he has.

"I'll be back after lunch." He said. yet I reverted my eyes on these piled tons of trash that I needed to answer.

"Oh one more thing..." 

"What now? Another papaerwork or condition?! Sheesh." I dont know why I'm so comfy talking with a professor like that. Its maybe because we do trashtalk alot like that. So its like normal talking.

"Sadly no." he chuckled. "But I'll have someone to look after you here."

"what am I.. a toddler?" I rolled my eyes in as I was checking how thick my paperworks is.

"Just assuring..." As he checked his wristwatch. "He'll be coming around soon here. He'll help you with that, and around the library if you need it."

"Whatever, I dont need anyone to help me. I could do anything on my own."

"Ms. De Jesus!" His voice toned up that made me startle abit. I sat up straight on impulse. "Remember I'm still your professor, and youre my student. Do you get that?" He sounded a bit angry so I might as well take the line up. 

"Yes sir." I nodded down.

"Good. wait for him here." Wait, it's a guy?

"Who is it by the way?" I asked lightly.

"He's my son." he said directly.

"Your... son? Your making him my tutor? Is that it..?!"

"Well I have never think of it. But thanks, youve given me an idea Ms. De Jesus. I'll have him as your tutor instead." He smiled crookedly as I was so suck up on this hole. He's giving me his guy as my tutor. I bet he is just as nerdy old fashoined geek like his dad who knows nothing but reading or might as well eating whole alamnacs at the same time. Does this gonna get any worse?! I'll be stuck up in my whole sembreak class with his son! Great! More unluckies!!

"Dont you flirt with him, Ms. De Jesus. My son is well-mannered and decent. I dont want any idiot girls like you get mashed up in the family. Get that?!" Wow, this old geez got guts right now. And what a futuristic man, 'mashed up the family' that fast?

"Who wants to mash up in your family anyways." I scoffed him off.

"Good, there's goes with saying it clear." He smiled widely and assured, as I'm being pointed out.

"Who needs your damn old geek son anyways." I mumbled as I hope he didnt heard me.  Then when he said his last , he made his leave. And I'm all stuck up in this heartbreaking moment. I laid my head down on my desk, shooking my head 'no' as if itll help me gonna get over this.

I dont want this! When mom told me, I'll have a tutor, I deadly declined. Yet now, I'll my terror professor's son as my tutor! Give me a break!!!! Would this gonna get any worse!? Burn me alive will ya'

This is the start of my sembreak shit class!

Books & Sexes: Nico Mirallegro (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now