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Why is Vienna here? Dont say...

I stand not far from her table. I pause for a moment and keep reminiscing what Uncle D said, that girl she's talking about was an idiot in his British Class.

"Vienna?!" I called to her and she was startled as me. Her face that were once grumpy turned blushed yet shocked, with mouth gaped open. "Why are you here?"

She didnt say anything yet she's pointing a finger on me. Then covered her mouth thereafter. I could see she's really shock. I was about to get closer to her yet she immediately stood up from her seat.

"Vienna, why?"

"You? Y-youre my tuitor?!" She suddenly said to me, who has no endearment on tone at all. Why the shock?!

How did she know about the tuitoring?

Oh dear, is she my student this sembreak?!

* * * * *


No way! This is must be some kind of a sick joke! Why is... Why is Finn here?! As he called to me, I was so startled and remembered something in a flick. Mr.D's son's will be the one tuitoring me.

Good Lord, why is Finn here. he asked to me again, 'Why are you here?" he was in kind of shocked too.

I couldnt say anything because I dont want to think of anything badly as of the moment. I point a finger to him, thats because I couldnt say a thing. then I covered my mouth. Shit, Is Finn my...?!

He was to get closer as my body moved involuntarily, I guess thats was me. Immediately get away when I feel something uneasy for me.

"Vienna, why?" he asked again, worriedly.

"You? Y-youre my... tuitor?!" I stuttered as I responsed to him. No way! No fucking way!

Finn is my tuitor for this sembreak?! And that means, he's Mr. Dumble Yovitch's (geeky?) SON?!!

Books & Sexes: Nico Mirallegro (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now