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I was surprised that I saw her here. My shoulders which were a bit heavy while ago seems free. "Oh, its you!" I noticed my lips formed.

"Oh, its you... too!" I furrowed brows at her greeting. She's sounded angry.  A tension kept on building between us. And she's not looking at me in the eyes. We kinda made a space. Right, i'm gonna explain all to her. But then she notice the book I'm holding. And I look at it too. Maybe this is the book she needed.

"I heard youre searching for something. Can I help with that?" I offer her my help.

Yet she looks more upset to that. hell I'm giving a help here. "No i-its okay. Its the.. uhm.. book youre holding." 

"Oh this!" I pretended innocently as if I didnt know that this book is what she's looking for.

"Y-yeah.. Can I b-borrow it...?" She asked yet she  couldnt looked at me in the eyes. Its that suppose a nice way to ask? I just smirked at her being.

I looked at the book, scanning the pages purposely. "Geez, I want to but I need this too." I slightly smirked at me - shrugging even. And I noticed she sulk at it a bit. Thinking I'm the worst. yea, I could be the worse, unstoppingly be mischeif to this girl. I cant help why am I being like this. 

Then she spoke again, "Okay.. I'll just find another book then.." Pudgy easily give up. Just like that? No beeging? No pleading? This shouldnt be it. Shewas about to leave yet I stop her from going.

"Wait, you know we could share this book, if you want." I smiled at her. Yet the back of my mind. Just let her go dude. Yet my mouth is in reverse.

"It'll be easier, I could teach some things you dont know." the hell are you saying, Finn! Cant stop that mouth of yours?! But still, a firmed shook of her head answered me. "No thanks... I bet there are other books that might help me. Chao!" 

"Really, wouldnt you be running out of time searching for other books." I added as I looked at her smirking as hell. Why am I so desperate really?!

Evebtually she agreed and that made me, at ease for a bit. Great, well on going plan. You think I could let you off this time?! I hid a smirk to that.

Books & Sexes: Nico Mirallegro (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now