Everything That Happens Here, Stays Here

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Chapter 20

With their dancing at a stop, Angel blinked a few times before looking away, unsure of what to do next.
"Another dance or have ya had enough?"
He finally asked, not ready to let go of the taller man just yet. He craved being held. Maybe not like this, but it was definitely better than nothing at all. This was all he could have ever wanted and he wanted to make it last as long as possible.
Though, if Alastor was finished, Angel wasn't about to force him to continue. Not that Alastor would let himself be pushed over and forced into something he didn't want to do. Angel knew that.

Breaking eye contact with Angel, Alastor looked over to the horizon, staring intensely at the line where the water met the darkened, starry sky. Alastor may have been a cynical man, but once again, he could appreciate that the sky tonight was truly a fascinating sight.
"We have time, so can continue if you wish."
He spoke quietly, adjusting his tie a moment, letting go of Angel's hand to do so.

Angel brought his eyes down to Alastor's chest when the eye contact was broken, giving a small hum. He dropped his hand as it was let go and took a step back- taking that as a sign Alastor didn't want to continue, leaving his grasp.

"Maybe in a few minutes..."
He replied softly, starting to walk towards the water's edge. This wasn't good. Angel knew he was starting to do the one thing he swore he'd never let happen again. He couldn't let it happen at all costs, no matter how much it killed him inside. Then again, it didn't matter what he did. It was going to hurt him either way. There was no escape. The more he thought about it, the more he started to feel as he did when under Valentino's contract.
Overwhelmed, scared, stupid, and above all else, helpless.

The spider walked into the water, a shiver running up his spine at the coldness of the salty sea around his feet. He stood looking out at the horizon in order to distract himself from his thoughts and feelings, taking in all he could in that moment. Angel didn't want to ever forget the scene before him.

Nodding in understanding, Alastor took a few steps to the side, watching as Angel lead himself towards the water. The deer demon on the other hand decided to sit down, legs stretching out a little as he looked up to the sky. God, this brought back so many memories. Memories he didn't even know he had.
Absentmindedly pinching at the sand beneath him, Alastor let a few grains blow away in the light breeze that cast along the beach.

Angel seemed occupied too. In fact, this was all starting to feel like some sort of fever dream. Alastor still was unsure how he felt about it all, it was confusing. Going to the living world had its risks, yes Alastor knew that, but he was feeling almost alive again. It was pathetic of him and made him feel weak. The more he thought it about it, the more his brows kitted together, eyes narrowing deeply.

Angel couldn't help but wonder why he was feeling this way. Especially when he knew this was just a pattern repeating itself once again. Falling for someone he knew he couldn't have.
Last time it happened, it didn't end well for the other person.

Alastor was no exception. There was no point in sharing how he felt with the other, seeing as they were only together for the deal they'd made. There were no feelings being shared. Or... so he safely assumed. He didn't know what was going on in Alastor's mind and that was probably for the best.

After a few minutes of standing in the water, Angel turned back to Alastor, starting to make his way over to him. Sitting down next to the Radio Demon with his legs stretched out in front of him, Angel leant back on his hands, keeping his eyes in front of him.

Alastor stayed silent once he noticed Angel coming back over, sitting himself down on the sand beside him.
The Radio Demon still sat up, tracing lazy patterns into the sand as he stared off into the distance once more, thoughts elsewhere as he thought long and hard.

Contracts and Deals {RadioDust Fanfiction}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin