The Technically Unbroken Rule

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Chapter 7

Some time had passed since the casino facade, so Pentagram City was once more busting with demons, no longer the momentary ghost town it had been earlier. Good.

"I'd say that was quite the productive night, wouldn't you?"

Angel walked independently this time beside Alastor. He didn't want to bring him down if he happened to stumble on his own feet, feeling mild effects of the alcohol as he walked.
"I couldn't agree more with ya."
Angel beamed, recounting the mangled body of an old acquaintance they happened to stumble upon. He ran his fingers through his wig with a hum. 

"Thank you for a wonderful first night of freedom, Al~"
There was a hint of a suggestive tone to his voice, half the effect of the drinks he'd had earlier.

It had been quite the show, filled with much entertainment, just as Alastor liked. 
Dull static surrounded him as he walked beside Angel, occasional radio channels cutting in as his mind wondered all over- again, the result of alcohol no doubt. 

"Aha, it's not a problem at all my dear!"
Alastor laughed in response, not catching onto the suggestive tone due to the mild sluggishness of his brain. 

The Radio Demon's formal dress shoes clicked along the stone path as he walked, microphone guiding his every step as it was used as a walking stick- not that Alastor needed one, of course, it was just classy. For style.

"A night of freedom is something to celebrate after all!"

Angel grinned in response, looking down at the ground as they walked, their shadows following them revealed by the dim lamplight on Hell's streets.
It was by random chance that a demon they happened to walk past, out of absolutely nowhere thought he'd be clever, slapping Angel's butt with a cackle most vile.

The arachnid abruptly halted in his tracks, almost sighing in exhaustion as he reached into his boot, pulling out a pocket pistol before he cocked it, aimed and shot the assailant in the temple without any hesitation.
He barely had to open his eyes to see what he was doing.

Once the bullet had successfully found its new home in the demon's skull, Angel shoved the gun back into his boot and knelt down to the demon, patting him down until he found the wallet. He grabbed whatever cash and cards that were in it and put it all in his other boot. Without a second thought tossed the rest of the wallet away before standing and fixing his hair, continuing to walk as if nothing had happened.

Alastor paid absolutely no mind to what was happening behind him, hearing the gunshot followed by the inevitable thud. He only stopped to turn around when Angel paused to raid through the demon's belongings. It wasn't a demon he knew, therefore was of no significance. Not to mention the filth had absolutely no class to the clothes he was wearing, the dirty material sticking to his sleazy corpse.
Alastor was definitely glad that Angel had put him down. As far as Alastor was concerned, he'd done the fool a favor.

The Radio Demon just watched on with amusement, that grin lighting up his face, the effects of the alcohol very slowly minimizing with every moment that passed.

Once Angel had gotten everything he desired, the two of them continued on coarse back for Alastor's home in a comfortable sort of silence.

As they left that part of the city, all that could be heard were the sounds of their clacking footsteps, the static Alastor emitted and natural chaotic city noise in the distance.

Angel hadn't felt this calm in so long, it almost made him uneasy. But he knew this would be normal for him now so he did his best to start getting used to it. 
He started planning out his actions for the following day, wanting to cook for Alastor. He would need to go out and get a few things for the recipe he had in mind though.

Contracts and Deals {RadioDust Fanfiction}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें