A Moonlit Dance

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Chapter 19

With the thunder not as aggressive now, Angel seemed to relax a bit. Alastor's comforting gesture helped a bit too. He knew he wasn't one for comforting or acting like he cared, so even if it was obviously awkward for him it was a nice gesture and Angel deeply appreciated it.
He rubbed at his eyes slightly and sniffed, making sure he wiped some of the mud away from his cheek.

"Well... because it's warm here I was thinking maybe we could have a quick dance on a beach? Heard this place had some really nice ones.."
The spider's stutter had subsided drastically and his shaking wasn't nearly as bad by this point. His tone wasn't as frantic either and for now, seemed pretty calm as he told his request to the Radio Demon.

When he'd heard Angels request, Alastor grinned, the emotion behind it hidden.
"Alright then." Was all he said for now.
While they were here at least, Alastor was more than okay with having at least some entertainment. After all, they wouldn't be returning to the living world any time soon, so why not make it count? And after finding out that yes, Angel was a rather decent dancer, Alastor had no objections.

"Why, that's a wonderful idea, my dear! Only, I think you probably know that we are in the middle of a mild storm, hm?"
Of course, Alastor could take them elsewhere, but there was one beach in particular quite nearby that Alastor was rather fond of.

Angel shrugged a bit, looking out his window, the lightning and thunder seeming to be quickly retreating. It seemed to have only been a quick storm that soon passed by.
"Rain ain't bad. The storm itself is leaving by the looks of it."
The spider felt pretty pathetic, letting Alastor see that he was afraid of storms to the point of sobbing like the bitch he was. His fear wasn't as bad when he had someone to hold him and comfort him, but that scenario was in the negative percentage here. He knew Alastor thought he was pathetic before, but now he knew that knowledge was amplified all the more.
Placing the keys in the ignition and turning the car on, Angel made sure he looked over to the time, as well as the fuel gauge. They were almost on empty, however it didn't matter too much.

Alastor too checked the time once it was settled where their next destination was going to be. It was almost midnight, so they still had over half a day left before they'd have to be heading back. That gave them time at least.

"The coast isn't far."
Alastor spoke up, grabbing one of the journals he'd brought back from his home and beginning to flick through.
"Twenty minutes or so."
Glancing across to Angel briefly, Alastor looked him up and down once more, frowning in the slightest.
"Your clothes are all dirty. Not to mention, hardly appropriate for the most likely snow ridden New York. You will freeze."

Angel gave a small nod then looked at Alastor, a small smirk pulling at his lips. He started having an internal debate with himself on whether or not to tease Alastor about his 'concern' for his well being, but quickly decided against it, not wanting to jeopardize his chance at their dance. Instead he looked out at the road.
"We don't have to go to New York. One of the two options will do just fine. We can just dance the rest of the night away."
He shrugged, looking at Alastor again.
"Directions would be great though."
He stated, not wanting to drive aimlessly and waste gas.

Placing the book to the side, Alastor leant forwards in the car seat. Of course, he didn't know the address of the beach, but he did know the name of it- presuming that it hadn't been renamed.
"Whatever you'd like, my good fellow. I have already gained what I desire, and there is still time to waste. Do as you please."

Once he'd inputted the name of the beach, Alastor sat back again, continuing to flick through the pages of words that had long been forgotten about, left to rot in an abandoned basement of a cursed home.

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