Brunch and Plots

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Chapter 9

Angel went inside as soon as the store opened, the demonic shop keeper not looking too happy about having a customer so early after opening.
Grabbing what he had on his list and a few other things like snacks, Angel soon paid and left. He had to use his phone again to find his way back and definitely didn't want to be out on his own any longer than he needed to be. For all he knew, one of Valentino's business partners could have been prowling the streets watching him, looking for a chance to grab him since he was alone.

The arachnid was grateful to have three sets of arms to use as he carried the bags back to Alastor's house. His phone was almost dead from his walk out, but the closer he got, the more he started to recognize the surrounding area. Having long legs made the walk easier as well, not taking nearly as long.
As soon as Angel could see the house, he ran up to the door and stopped. He was about the knock but thought that was a bit of a dumb idea and just walked inside, shutting the door behind him, hearing noises from the kitchen almost immediately.

"Alright little one, hold still!"
Alastor laughed, holding a rather large and sharp knife up to the pig as he prepared it for slaughter. That was, until he heard the front door open, followed by Angel's unmistakable voice.

"Hey Al? You up?" 
The spider called curiously.

Raising an eyebrow, Alastor swiftly left his kitchen in slight confusion, knife still in hand as he went to see the other.

"Ah... so you were out."
He conclusively nodded, looking down at the many bags the arachnid carried in his hands.

"You have a gift, my friend. A rather large basket was left on my doorstep for you, and in said basket was the most amazing main ingredient for an excellent meal! I was just about to dice up!"
He grinned, waving the sharp knife around in the air, pointing towards the kitchen with it.
"Oh, There was a note too, but I hardly thought it was appropriate for me to read your assumed business."

Angel perked a bit at the mention of a gift and headed for the kitchen.
"A gift?"
He started, making his way to the kitchen.
"I swear if it's from Val I'm gunna -"
He abruptly stopped mid-sentence when he walked into the kitchen and saw the pig.

"Holy shit- is that an actual fuckin' pig?!"
Practically shaking, Angel quickly and carefully put the bags down on the closest countertop before rushing over to the pig, picking it up without any hesitation.

He took a moment to admire the animal, brows furrowing when he remembered what Alastor had said he was just about to do.
"Oh my god! You were gunna chop it up? What the fuck's wrong with ya?!"
Angel turned to Alastor, holding the pig close to his chest in a protective way, stroking the top of its head; the pig just cuddling into Angel's chest with a blank stare, snout twitching.

Alastor watched in confusion as Angel rushed over to the pig, clearly not wanting it to be turned into bacon judging from his protective behavior over the swine.

"And why exactly? If the pig was not delivered here for the sole purpose of consumption, then what else? Keeping an animal down in Hell is surely not a good idea, as I'm sure you're aware of."
Alastor added with narrowed eyes, placing the knife back down on the table, quickly eyeing the pig.
"I assure you, the gutting and skinning process is quite swift. Shouldn't take more than a couple of moments if you'd let me!"

Angel used his lower set of hands to cover the pig's ears and gasped in shock.
"How dare you! Just look at it! It's the cutest thing I've ever fucking seen!! Have a heart, Al!"
He exclaimed, walking over to the table to see the basket.

Contracts and Deals {RadioDust Fanfiction}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon