The First Encounter

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To all readers; this fanfiction is being edited.

Just minor things like spelling, grammar, and a few minor details that may have been changed in later chapters/books to fit canon more accurately.

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Chapter 1

Alastor was most definitely a man of mystery. Even in his life prior to this eternal punishment.
Ever since he'd manifested in Hell that fateful day and broadcast his display of carnage to all of Hell, no demon had yet to tell the story exactly as it had happened.
Not that Alastor was complaining of course, oh no, he craved attention when it came to bloodshed and the more twisted the stories were, the better. He absolutely reveled in that sort of recognition, the kick it gave him when a pitiful excuse for a demon would spy him on the streets of Hell, their faces completely encased in fear. Nothing was more entertaining, and the Radio Demon as it were, lived for entertainment.

Despite his sadistic line of work, Alastor had never been one for casinos, clubs, bars- all that kind of nonsense. So it was by some sort of chance that the demon found himself in this particular part of the city. So lost in thought, the dull hum of a static radio channel following his every footstep, Alastor had ended up here.
Flashing billboards surrounded him, advertising strip clubs, porn studios and drugs of all sorts. Yes, this definitely was not what he had in mind when he'd decided to take a walk through the city.
Then again, this was Hell. Anything went and there was no law or general consequence to think about.

Angel showed up in Hell 9 years after Alastor, so he didn't know the stories. He didn't care enough to get into politics either. He wasn't really supposed to.
In life, Angel was pretty much the same as he is now. He got into heavy drugs and sold his body for money. He ended up dying from the drugs but you wouldn't ever catch him complaining. When he got down to Hell, he got right to work after a brief adjustment period, getting used to his new body and learning his capabilities. It was a shock to him and he hated spiders in life but he quickly learned to accept it.

Angel stood outside the largest porn studio, having a quick cigarette. He was between takes in a scene he was shooting that day. If you knew him at all, he seemed pretty deflated compared to how he usually was.
He kept his eyes down on the ground as he took a long drag.
Angel heard the static and footsteps nearing, causing him to look up in the direction of the sounds. He raised a brow and saw how well dressed the gentleman emanating the sounds was and perked up a bit, straightening his back and coat. He took one last drag and tossed the cigarette aside.

Swinging his microphone around slightly, like you would a baton, Alastor looked around the back alley of some large building he'd managed to find himself down.
He hummed, grin ever-present even as he spotted the dark outline of a figure just ahead, the lit end of a cigarette highlighting their face just enough for Alastor to make out as he came closer. The cigarette was soon cast aside, it's user noticing Alastor and straightening up, whatever for? He didn't know. He was simply passing through this alley, that was all.

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