A Gift

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Chapter 8

No one, aside from Alastor himself, had ever set foot in or even seen inside his room. Unbeknownst to him, that was happening right that second. However it must have been Angel's lucky day, because Alastor decided to stay in the shower just that bit longer, the steam from the hot water helping clear his still minutely fuzzy head from the alcohol earlier.
Five minutes later and Alastor was shutting off the water. All was now silent except for the quiet dripping of water in the bathroom.

Angel jumped a bit at the sound of the shower being shut off. He closed the door to how it was before and quickly moved to his own room, nearly tripping on his own two feet in the process. He grabbed an old notebook from one of his suitcases and went back downstairs as if nothing had happened.
Once downstairs, he pulled his phone out of his boot and put some music on. This music was of newer genres, so Alastor probably wouldn't have recognized it this time. Angel then opened the notebook and started going over the recipes.

Alastor, once out of the bathroom and having changed into something more comfortable, he walked down the hallway, eyes narrowing in the slightest at the sight of the door of his room being cracked open. Then again, did he remember to lock it while in the shower? He didn't think so, his memory not serving him well here.
Passing it off as nothing, Alastor entered his room, the door loudly shutting behind him once he was in.

Angel jumped at the door being shut but once silence took over again, he seemed to relax a bit. He didn't know why he was so jumpy now. Perhaps it was the prospect of being found out, but technically speaking he didn't do anything wrong.

Alastor had never tried to keep up with the music once he died. It wasn't something he was remotely interested in, and besides- the music he liked was much more his taste. So it was at the faint sound of some rather modern music playing from downstairs that Alastor's smile faltered a bit. Yes, he really didn't like that genre of music one bit.
No style, no purpose. Meaningless sounds and lyrics put together into something that was even more meaningless.

Angel picked his phone up and began looking through the songs he had. He changed the music to just simple piano and lyrics, something a little calmer. It was as he was about to put his phone down, that it gave the little notification 'ding' causing Angel to pause and wonder who had texted him.  Not many people had his number, and even fewer actually messaged him directly.

Curious, the spider picked the phone up again and opened his notifications. It didn't take long after reading the name of the person who'd messaged for his stomach to start to knot and twist. He slowly put the phone back down on the table faced down without even opening the message.

If there was one thing Angel wasn't expecting, then it was for Valentino to text him. Then again, he wasn't someone Angel was willing to interact with again either. Especially with how pissed he looked at learning Angel had betrayed him.

Meanwhile, Alastor sat in his room for a while, indulging in the knowledge of a book far too precious to be kept outside the lock and key of his room. Novels and heavy books on voodoo and other dark sources scattered the bookshelves in the Radio Demon's room. Some he had dared to read and practice while alive, others he'd acquired while down in this literal hell hole.

After a while, the Radio Demon returned the book to its cozy place on the shelf and made his way to the door, closing it loudly again once he'd stepped out and into the hallway.
He'd go and seek out Angel, perhaps let him into more of his future plans and desires involving the takeover of Hell. After all, Angel was apart of those plans now.

Angel jumped yet again at the loud closing of a door. This time wasn't as bad since he heard the door open, but he still flinched. By this time his focus was trying to get back on his list, not thinking much about what he saw in Alastor's room but now more worried about the fact Valentino had texted him. He obviously wanted something.

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