A Moments Playful Banter

Start from the beginning

"Right... well..."
He cleared his throat, taking a sip of his now much needed drink as he slowly turned back around to Angel. Changing the subject sounded like a good idea.
"I see you're not ready for the day ahead yet. Perhaps it would be wise to go and do that."

Angel shot a sly smirk in Alastor's direction, eyes opening slightly to look at him. It was clear he'd won. He turned his attention back to his own cup of coffee, taking a sip.
"What, ya got plans that involve me or somethin'? Thought you had some other important business to get to."
Arching his back slightly, Angel leant back against the counter, fluffing his chest a bit in cocky confidence. He had to admit, this was the highlight of staying with Alastor. Being able to mess with him on a daily basis. It was almost too easy and was way too amusing than what it should have been.

Rolling his eyes as he sipped at the hot caffeine, Alastor awkwardly glanced to the door of the kitchen.
"Nothing involving you, Angel, do not worry about my plans. Worry about yourself."

What did that mean? Alastor wasn't exactly sure. Was that a threat, or did Alastor just ask Angel to genuinely look after himself? Whatever it was, it was an awkward, on the dangerous verge of flustering, situation and Alastor needed to leave.

"Speaking of my plans, I have to prepare! ...For them!"
Quickly gulping down the rest of his drink, Alastor wasted no time in suddenly and conveniently disappearing, appearing back in his room with a long sigh.

Angel enjoyed seeing him to frantic and near flustered. He almost wished he didn't have to leave so soon. Maybe in the future, the deer would think twice about picking a fight with the spider. He was really holding back, too. He kept his focus on his drink, letting Alastor leave.

"Didn't even thank me for the fuckin' coffee."
He muttered to himself, keeping the smirk that still settled upon his face.
Soon enough, Angel finished the cup and washed both mugs before grabbing the pig that remained at his feet and an apple, before going back up to his room to get himself ready for his own important plans.

The moment that he appeared back in his room, Alastor let out a tut of annoyance. He was supposed to be leaving, and Angel's inconvenient distraction had forced him to retreat back up to his room. It was no matter though. Swiftly exiting his room, microphone in hand, Alastor swayed down the stairs, a light tune being hummed by him as he walked.

"I shall bid you adieu, Angel!"
He called as the front door opened before loudly slamming behind him.

And now? Well, Alastor had to pay an old friend a visit. Unfortunately, the demons time was up, and much like the depictions of a grim reaper, Alastor was going to happily take his soul. It wasn't often that the Radio Demon sought after his contractees, but this had been a long time coming. And besides, Alastor could do with some entertainment.

Angel poked his head out of his room as he heard Alastor call out to him, trying his best to make himself heard.
"Adieu, my love!~"
He called, but was interrupted by the slam of the door from downstairs mid-sentence, earning a huff and a small laugh from the spider. Lowering his gaze, he looked down to Fat Nuggets, shaking his head with a small, coy smile.

"What are we gunna do about that man, Nugs? The more he resists the more I want 'im."
Angel sighed, going back to getting ready for his own adventure.
"I mean, c'mon! No one in Hell can resist me, that's been proven- but him? He's gotta be the only one I can't get! I'm almost determined to test my bite on him and take advantage. But I ain't like that! I ain't gonna do that. Don't repeat that to anyone, ya hear me?"
The spider rambled to his pet, who just sat eating his apple, expression ever oblivious Angel rolled his eyes and smirked.

"You're a cute little shit, I'm glad I got someone I can rant to in confidence. Confidentiality's pretty rare down 'ere."
Fondly patting the pigs head, Angel slowly sighed once again.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some business of my own to tend to. Be a good boy and I'll get ya somethin' nice."
With a small cackle as he recited a quote from Valentino, Angel exited his room, closing the door behind him, shortly leaving the house.


Alastor, once he was out, calmly made the twenty minute journey downtown to where some of the more... rundown places in Hell were.
It didn't take him at all long to find his 'friends' home, and shortly he was knocking politely upon the poor soul's door.

The demon had been expecting Alastor and for the past few days, had been cooped up in his filthy home, scared shitless over the fact that the Radio Demon could appear and kill him at any time. Even if he wasn't on Alastors radar, many demons lived with that looming fear, much to the deers amusement.

When the knock at the door sounded, the sad little demon knew. No one ever visited him, so yes... he knew.


While out and around the city, Angel spent his time both hanging around the swing club, and also at a place he'd seen a job being advertised at.
The little place was only looking for an occasional worker, which he was more than able to do. It would give him plenty of time to do his own things on the side as well as get ready to complete the deal between himself and the Radio Demon.

Not really in the mood to be walking back to Alastors home, instead he called for a taxi, the driver obviously recognizing him as being the Angel Dust.

As most things did when the spider was in the presence of some other demon, one thing led to another and Angel had somehow convinced his victim, the driver, to come inside for a bit of 'extra fun'. Unbeknownst to the taxi driver, Angel had full intent of testing his bite on the poor sap.
By the time they arrived back at the home, it was getting dark. Angel didn't bother turning any lights on in the house besides the one for his own room...

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