He took me into the bathroom and threw me into a tub of hot water. It was warm but with the open wounds and whip marks all over my body, It burned me like boiling water.

"AHHHHH." I screamed and cried.

"Shut up before I put you back in the attic." He said raising his hands, about to slap me.

"You fucking stink. You need to wash up and make sure you wash up good because we are going to have some fun tonight." He said with a wicked smile on his face. I knew what he meant and I cried. I cried so hard. I didnt want any man besides Kai. "You better be done when I come back. Oh and dont try to think you can run. Theres bars on the outide of that window and we are in the middle of nowhere." He walked out laughing.

I couldnt take it anymore, I cried and cried and so I did the one thing I knew I could do. I got out and quietly locked the door and got back in the tub. I prayed to god to take me straight to heaven so I can be withmy grandmother. I sunk slowlu into the bathtub. Slowing the water covered my body then my arms, then my neck. The more I sunk in, the more it covered my body. I went down more until it covered my chin and nose. I placed my hands on the side of the tub and pushed me all the way in, trying to hold out so I can drown myself. I start choking on water but still held on, as my eyes started to close, I get pulled out the water by arms. I start to yell and scream,

"STOPPP! LET ME GO! LET ME DIE!" He grabs me and throws me out the tub. He grips my hair and drags me into the room. He toss me on the bed and climbs on top of me, he slaps me across my face. Over and over again.

"YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD FUCKING LEAVE ME! I OWN YOU BITCH! THE ONLY WAY YOU DIE, IS IF I FUCKING KILL YOU AVIANA! YOU ARE GOING TO REGRET WHAT YOU JUST TRIED TO PULL!" He said over and over, with each word he spoke, I received a punch, to my face, chest, legs and arms. He didnt stop until I couldnt see anything anymore. 

I woke up in Kai bed. His arms wrapped around me. I look in his eyes and I see my future. He slowly kisses me and I wrap my hands around his neck, pulling his body on top of mine. He stares at me and says "Baby, where are you. I need you." I smile and look at him with a confused expression. "Im right here Kai." I close my eyes and reach out for him. "Why did you leave me Aviana. I thought we were forever." I open my eyes and he keeps getting farther and farther. "Im right here" I scream but then it goes black. I knew it was dream but I didnt want to wake up. I wanted to stay asleep and run after him. I needed him.

Feeling pain to my core and hands gripping my waist tight, I open my eyes. I see Ace in between my tights, my eyes go wide. He is in me. I scream and try to push away from him. But he punches me in the face. I start feeling dizzy and couldnt move. "You are still as tight as I remember." He grunted and moaned. I cried and cried. This cant happen again. He pulls out and releases on my bare stomach. He falls over the side and stares at me "I have missed you Aviana." I wanted to throw up. I rolled over to my side and let go of everything that was in my stomach. All the nasty bread and water he has been feeling me these past 3 weeks.  He got angry and gripped my hair "YOU NASTY BITCH, CLEAN THIS SHIT UP RIGHT NOW." He pushed me off the bed and I landed in my vomit. He laughed and threw me a towel "Clean it up and yourself and when you done get dressed." I didnt know what I was suppose to get dressed in, that was until he pointed at a tshirt and underwears that sat on the dresser in the room.

The room was designed like a cheap motel. It had one bed with a quilt blanket on it, two pillows and a lamp that sat on the dresser next to a boxed old tv. the carpet was red and had black stains on it. I get dressed and sit on the bed. I put my head down and fidget with my fingers on my lap. I stare at my legs thats in front of me. I have bruised and cuts on them. They hurt and I cant do anything besides cry. Why is this happening to me? Why cant I be happy? What did I do to deserve this? Ace and my parents? They really hate me.



I was sleepng when I felts hands rub my legs. I was scared and woke up and seen it was my father. I asked him what he was doing and he just said he was showin me how fathers are suppose to love their daughters. This was the first he touched me. I knew my mother was high downstairs or passed out somewhere. After the first time, it happened again and again. I trie to pretend to be sleep but he knows im not. He touches me in places fathers not suppose to touch their children. He told me I was his special girl. That he loved me and only beats me because it makes my mother happy. I know its a lie. He doesnt love me.

My mother came home one day and saw this happening. My father told her I led him on. I got naked myself and he tried to make me put my clothes back on. She slapped me and called me a slut. Said I was disgusting for trying to seduce my own father. She beat me and I end up in the hospital. I was nine. The night I got out the hospital I was in bed and my father came in and apologized for lying and told me again that I was his special girl. That heloved me. But I knew it was lie. He doesnt love me.

The night before my grandmother saved me, I received a beating because I told my father I didnt want him to touch me tonight. He told me, I was his special girl and nobody can touch me and love me like he can.


I felt hands grip my face hard. Pulling my head up to meet the devils eyes. 

"I always loved you in my shirts. I missed it." He said and slowly kissed my lips. 

"Lets go downstairs and eat dinner. I made your favorite when you was sleeping. Meatballs and Spaghetti." He gripped my arm making me stand up and dragged me out the bedroom and to the kitchen table. He had the table set up and a candle lit in the middle. It looked romantic and it scared me. I sat down and he pushed the chair in under me. Kissed me cheek and sat down in the other chair across from me. I looked around me and seen the front door. But it had 3 different locks on it. I looked towards him an was smiling at me. He was looking at me like a physchopath. 

"Just like our first date. Lets eat my love."

Pain Before Love ✔️Where stories live. Discover now