"I should probably go and fulfil my queenly duties." Said Elsa, breaking the idyllic moment.

With a low hum, Cassandra leaned in, closing the remaining distance between their heads. She pressed a small, tender peck to Elsa's lips and released her from her tight embrace. "You shouldn't be working now, Snowflake. When was the last time you enjoyed a quiet moment by yourself, huh?"

Face deep red, Elsa folded her arms, keeping them close to her body as she lowered her gaze to the ground. For a moment, she stopped to think, wondering if she had any free time since her coronation. "Well, I have some time just for myself every day." After her daily tour in the village, the Queen has fifteen minutes for herself each day. It's not much, but definitely more than nothing. Why am I lying to myself? I barely have time to breathe!

"Like fifteen minutes?" The raven-haired woman chuckled as Elsa sheepishly bit her lip. "Because that's definitely not enough." Cass sighed, shaking her head, concerned for Elsa's well-being. "Look, just take it as you're on vacation, okay? You're not in Arendelle; you can take a break now." Her blush deepening, Elsa smiled.

Taking a break wasn't the problem. She deserved it anyway. The issue here is a certain warrior, who somehow managed to start melting the ice that's sitting on her heart. And it's all Cassandra's fault. In a good way, of course. The thought of the warrior troubled the blonde's mind, starting a few nights ago when she accompanied the queen to her bedroom. And when she came back barely alive from chasing the man who tried to kill Elsa? She could hardly rest, causing her more than one sleepless night.

Now, Cass isn't the problem itself. It's her behaviour that troubles the younger woman. During her stay in Arendelle, Cassandra spent most of her free time in the guest room, working and writing letters to diplomats in order to make her homeland a better place. "I ought to enjoy myself while you were working the whole time when you were my guest. It seems rather unfair to me." Elsa frowned.

She inhaled sharply and bit her lower lip. Elsa almost fainted at the heavenly sight, but then Cass chuckled at her. "Touchè, my dear. But I won't let my guest work while she's supposed to take a break from her queenly duties and enjoy her stay."

"Are you implying that I'm a poor host?" Elsa asked, her voice picking up a playful tone, lips turning into a wicked smile.

Cass' eyes widened, stunned by the blonde-haired beauty's question. "Why, I would never. But seriously, you can do whatever you want on this ship. I just preferred if you enjoyed your stay while you can. I hope you brought a coat because Ovrilon is a very cold place and it's almost winter."

A cheeky grin crawled upon Elsa's lips, creating one of her most playful smiles. With an elegant turn, she made her way towards the door of Cassandra's cabin. She looked back at the warrior over her shoulder. "The cold never bothered me." And without any further words, she left, leaving the smiling Cassandra behind.



Sighing, Cassandra sighed another paper. Before she could travel to Ovrilon, her father gave her a bunch of work, because his lazy ass is too royal to get anything done.

Wulfacar was a soldier, a no one before he met his deceased wife, Zara, who was still a princess at the time. After their daughter was born, Wulfacar became sick and failed to recover from his previous illnesses since then. He deserted from his position in the army, and his life continued as the queen's husband. His health only became worse after Zara died. Cassandra's uncle, prince Zander refused to become the new ruler. He's just not that type of man. And of course, Cassandra was too young at the time to take her mother's place. Leaving no heir to the throne, Wulfacar was declared as the king of Ovrilon.

My Dear Queen (Elsa X Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now