With that Rosalie left the room, going to the garden area.

She sat on the bench, head in her hands, thinking and trying to calm herself down.

She felt someone sit down beside her.

"Rosalie..." Izzy said.

Rosalie let a few tears fall.

"We have to find him... We need to find him..." Rose said before looking over to her, and saying again.

"He is the one person who lets me be myself. I've lost a lot already. I can't lose him too. I can't...."

You see through the short time that Rosalie has been there, a bond grew between her and Jace.

Jace was one of the only people that she felt, that she could let her guard down.

He was someone who understood her. She lost a lot when she went missing.

No. She didn't lose her family, but to her it felt like it. To her, she didn't belong.

Jace made her feel like she did belong, like she was right where she needed to be.

Now that he was missing... She didn't know what to do, she didn't know what to think.

She grabbed her stele and blade, and went out the door.

As she walked, she started thinking.


Izzy was with Lydia in the ops center, as they were called for an important announcement. 

As they were waiting Izzy texted Clary to tell her.

"We are at war." Maryse started.

"Valentine now has the Mortal Cup, with which he is no doubt, raising a new army, and one of our own has joined him." She continued.

"Looks like the queens taking back her kingdom." Izzy mumbled.

"As a result,  the Clave has declared a state of emergency at the institute. Their first priority is to replace the current leadership, who they have deemed wholly ineffectual. It is an honor to introduce the newly appointed head of the New York Institute, Clave representative, Victor Aldertree." Maryse said before stepping down.

"Did you know about this?" Alec asked Izzy, as he appeared behind the her.

"No. But maybe this is why Dad went back to Idris." Izzy told him.

"Maryse went behind my back." Lydia mumbled.

"My fellow Shadowhunters. It's an honor to be here with you all. We have to find Jace Wayland.  He's a Shadowhunter, and we don't leave our people behind. The answer to his very location may very well lie in this room. So I wanna speak with everyone who went on a mission where Jace disappeared. One last thing. Effective immediately, the Institute is on lockdown. But it's only temporary. Let's turn this institute around." Aldertree finished.

"Wait, if we're on lockdown, who's out there looking for Jace?" Clary asked.

"Rosalie is. She left a few minutes before the announcement, dont know when she will be back. Dont worry. Jace is tough. Valentine will never break him." Izzy told her.


As Rosalie was walking, she had this weird feeling of being watched.

At one point she could've sworn she heard someone behind her.

For most of the walk she was distracted. Thinking of the situation at  hand.

She went to pass by a dark alleyway. She wasn't really expecting what was going to happen next.

The Other Lightwood. (Jace Herondale.)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu