Jadas pov

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That night, I couldn't stop smiling. Even though I tried to deny it, it was corny of me. I smacked myself and tried to shake off the feeling. This was my weakness. I'd get too attached and then get hurt.

Marcus was being super nice to me though. I actually felt something between us, but shook it off. This is what he does to ask the girls. Grabs their attention and then ditches them. And I was not going to broken easily. I'd been in his class through middle and high school and he did this to so many girls.

We went back to the room and I was exhausted. I showered quickly and changed into my pj's.

Then I went to go sleep in the bed when I realized Marcus was already there. Now I knew I was pushing this far when I thought maybe I should have slept with him. Not sexual, just sleep next to him. He moved a little bit and grunted. I decided against it and plopped on the couch.



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