Retribution II

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The first thing that she saw was WhiteSaber, her eyes turned gentle and caressed him.

WhiteSaber could feel endless power Anastasia was giving him, he could feel his body was getting bigger till he had reached his full adult form. So this is what a divine power is, the power of the gods, although what Anastasia gained was just a tiny bit from her original power.

"Thank you" She muttered these two words before she left.

She has battled with her inner demons long enough that the borders of the Empire's been attacked by thousands of enemies. The long awaited meeting of Prince Ilyich with the young miss of the once renowned Saberlord clan has finally been fulfilled.

He looked at the young lady who was calmly staring outside the window, her face was was extremely beautiful and her hair was gently rustling as it was being carried by the wind. There were no traces of flaws in her face, her eyes were sharp and void of any emotions. She looked like a delicate and frail young lady that would be swept away by the wind anytime.

The cheeky and joyful Anastasia that was described by Humphrey and the Anastasia he was currently staring at, looked like two different persons.

"Anastasia I know that you are aware of the situation the Empire is currently in. Anytime our soldiers won't be able to hold our enemies and soldiers of other kingdoms and empires would soon came ransacking our lands and the shedding of blood won't be little. Countless of Innocent lives would be taken if lucky their lives would be spared and turned into slaves and be sold throughout the continents" Prince Ilyich patiently explained to Anastasia the consequences of the defeat of their forces.

Anastasia was able to pick up the hidden intention behind Prince Ilyich's words. Using the citizens' lives as an excuse for her to help him. It seems like he knew too much of the Saberlord clan, her grandfather used to remind her the motto of the clan 'To protect and preserve the lives of the Empire' only by fullfilling this oath can only be a person that was born from the clan be worthy to bear the Saberlord clan's surname. Even if this Empire and the citizens of it has turned their backs against her clan, even though Anastasia was itching to destroy this land and wipe it out of the map she can't just throw away the sacrifices and lives that were shed by her clan's men in the battlefield to protect this Empire.

"What do you plan now your highness?" her voice was cold and there were traces of mocking in her tone. Prince Ilyich couldn't blame her after all it was his family that ended the lives of hers.

"I've collided with some of the ministers to overthrow my brother from the throne, if he'll stay longer on that throne the Empire will only perish. We all ready have thought of a plan to gather all the remaining soldiers of the Empire that were stationed in different sectors including the palace guards and mages to be deployed in the battlefield but all we need to do is to convince the Emperor to approve of this move" there were traces of anger in Prince Ilyich's voice.

"How long will this plan of yours will take?" for Anastasia was getting impatient.

"Dependes on how long will the Emperor will understand this proposal and it's impact on the empire but for sure he'll reject such big risk and we'll have to think of another way to solve this crisis. If he still won't agree then we'll just have to force him to step down from the throne"

"Unfortunately I can't wait" Anastasia spoke as she was about to leave but Prince Ilyich was fast enough to grab her arm.

"Don't act rashly" he spoke with a very dangerous tone.

Anastasia didn't respond but only made Prince Ilyich kneel on the floor using her strong aura. Prince Ilyich could only see Anastasia vanish without a trace.

-Northern Borders-

The mages almost have exhausted themselves supporting the barriers that was constantly under attacked by the Azura Empire's soldiers and the one that was currently under command was the Araq clan's family head, General Vincent. An unparralled swordsman and warrior in the Azura Empire but in the eyes of Anastasia he was nothing but a dirt in her eyes.

Anastasia wasn't surprised when she saw Jasmine and her cousin Emeis standing beside General Vincent.

"Seeking death?" Anastasia wickedly grinned as she descended from the sky. Her clothes were gently fluttered by the wind, her eyes were full of mockery as if she was seeing something very unsightly and Jasmine hates those look in her eyes very much.

"It's you!" Jasmine pointed her sword towards  Anastasia with a killing intent.

"Oh? If isn't the Young Miss of the Azraq clan?" Anastasia laughed with a fake smile, there was a calm yet dangerous aura surrounding her.

Yet seeing her alone facing thousand of soldiers made her a laughingstock among the army of Azura Empire. The soldiers that was guarding the boarders looked at Anastasia as if she was a mad person seeking death.

Anastasia glanced coldly at the Wardorien Empire's soldiers before shifting her head towards General Vincent with a cold smile.

"General I'm giving you a chance to retreat" her words were meant to be a warning but instead it only brought laughter to the soldiers.

"Even a crazy person would know how to retreat when death has came knocking on his door yet you young girl knows no fear" General Vincent spoke with his deep and commanding tone.

"Grandpa let me handle this crazy woman" Jasmine spoke as she rushed towards Anastasia with full speed.

"Today I'll settle down our scores!"

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