The Imperial Family

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The general of the Wardorien Empire with his son, the vice general return triumphantly after winning another war in the Eastern Border of the Empire.

He was immediately summoned by the Emperor to the Imperial Palace. The Imperial army marched proudly as they trek their way to the Eastern border to the Palace, the commoners watched in awe and would give their sincerity and thanks to the general for protecting their Empire.

The biggest Empire that ever existed in history, had only one mighty General that was capable of defeating countless enemies. All that the Emperor have to do is to say what to conquer and it would be done in an instant, but the current Emperor had no such corrupt desire. He was a righteous man he believed as one desired more one would be more afraid to lose one's possession.

The Emperor had no vigilante feelings towards the general even with such power, having the control of the whole army alone, as an Emperor he could divide the power of a general but he was wise enough to see the consequences. Once power was divided, unity will shatter, trust will fade within the army, vigilance would raise within generals. The support of the ministers would be divided and being biased towards his subjects can't be helped.

Unlike other Empires, other Emperors would be so suspicious of his ministers power and influence that he would divided it into several people and bestow ranks. Once a person would have power he would naturally become more bold and daring, and each of their ministers are like that causing troubles and endless bickering each day.

The Saberlord clan had been loyal to his great ancestors before the Empire has been established. They aren't the type of people that are arrogant with the officials and the royal family but they are the type of people that are beyond arrogant when it comes to competing with other clans, this is the only headache the Emperor had with the Saberlord clan since even his ancestors had the same problem.

He would rather want to solve major problems within in the Empire rather than dealing with the Saberlord clan causing trouble with other clans outside the Empire. But no matter how outstanding and wise a person is there's always a limit to it. Not long ago the Emperor was struck an incurable illness that left him in bed, it was said to be that he'll only live a few days even the best healer wasn't able to cure it.

The Fifth Prince and the Crown Prince who was always with each others neck has now calmed down. The Fifth Prince left the Empire to train himself, it wasn't always his ambition to achieve the throne but his mother's, imperial power and physical power are two different things, if he were to choose he would choose physical power. He knew since young that Imperial power will only bind one's freedom for a lifetime.

The Emperor only gave his blessings and generous treasures as a thanks for the General's hard work. Everyone in the Palace was busy to even greet the General he exited the the Imperial Palace. The General didn't take it to the heart since tomorrow would be the Crown Prince's coronation it would be natural for everyone to be so busy.

It was supposed to be a happy occasion since it was a worthy celebration since a new Emperor was held. Everyone was so busy engaging themselves in the fun, the whole Empire was so lively from morning till dusk. After the whole ceremony was finished the Saberlord clan didn't stay for long but instead stayed at their residence with a gloomy face.

A feast was held in their table but it seems like the people who was supposed to have dinner didn't have the appetite.

"We all know how wary the Crown Prince is towards our clan" General Lucard spoke, his chin rested on his fingers.

"Father, he's the Emperor now and it won't take long for our clan to be thrown out of power" his son the Vice General, Amadeo, spoke in a low and

"Tsk Tsk Tsk since when did that little boy grew up? All he did was fool around the streets with women all day" General Lucard snorted.

"Even though he's like that he's still have a wise brain else the Crown Prince was able to maintain his position without the Empress' support" Old madam Graciela, the wife of the General, spoke with seriousness.

"But for now the Emperor won't do something rashly while his father is still breathing" Cordelia, the wife of the vice general spoke.

"Should we tell this matter to big sister?" Alejandro spoke curiously.

"This matter should be kept from her for now, she should focus on her training. I believe we could still handle this matter" Humphrey replied in a coaxing tone.

"I hope so" Alejandro's eyes were full of worry, if this matter can't be handled properly their clan's safety would be in vain.

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