Found Her

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Travis's Pov

"Excuse me have you seen a person wearing a white cloak a pink haired girl perhaps?" I asked.



"Hey, Patrick have you seen a person wearing white cloak or a pink haired girl?" the butcher asked his friend.

"I don't think so"

"Help me young man, my wife's going to kill me!!" the man replied as he desperately clung to me while his wife was chasing him with a knife.

"Is it a criminal?"

I groaned in frustration, I've been searching for her the whole day!! Why is the world so cruel to a handsome man like me! I'm truly hurt and insulted at the same time, I can't let my dignity as a man to crumble.


That's right, I've hadn't eaten lunch or any snacks and it's almost sunset. Let's not also forget that I still doesn't have a place to stay, I sighed.

After I ate and flirt with some girls I went back from the Academy to take most of my belongings, I hope Harold sensei wouldn't scold me.

"Do you have any idea how long did I wait for you?! It's already night you brat! I bet you just kept fooling around the village with some girls, you are so irresponsible and..hey! are you even listening?!" as you can imagine he really did scold me, classic Harold sensei.

"Your father entrusted me with you, you also don't want to disgrace your clan don't you?"

"Don't even mention that old man" I grabbed my bags and went to back to the village to look for an inn.

"This place will do" I just randomly picked an inn not caring if it's good or not as long as I have a place to stay.

"One room please" I asked the old lady.

"Room 24, enjoy"

I grabbed the key and went to find room 24 "Ah there it is" I was about to enter the room when the other door opened and guess who came out..... the one and only Anastasia.

"T-Travis?!" her eyes widened in surprise.

"What's so surprising honey? We just haven't seen each other for a while did you miss me or perhaps I've gotten more handsome?" I teased.

"What's surprising is seeing your jerk face scattered everywhere and don't you dare call me honey or I'll break you" that jerk face part really stabbed me, how can such an innocent and young girl can have such a poisonous tongue?!!

"If you don't like being called honey, then how about sweetie?"





"No" (In Anastasia's thoughts 'Does he really think of me as a vegetable?! That impudent man')


"Absolutely NO!!" she raged, then suddenly a boy with dark blue hair interrupted.

"Anastasia close the door...What's going on?" he asked, I scanned him from head to toe. He looked like an abandoned boy who grew up in a forest, I mean look at his hair it's so messy it covered his eyes not to mention his old crappy clothes.

Ugh, I can't believe Anastasia is with this kind of guy more than that they came out from the same room!!

"Wifey who is this guy?! Did he hurt you? Or did something inappropriate to you?! Don't be afraid to tell hubby" I said as I examined her body.

"I told you to not call me with that crap name!! You're too close and you act like a pervert!" she said as she pushed my face with her hand.

I felt relieved when that guy didn't do something with Anastasia that could make me kill him (background with flames)

"Who are you?" the peasant (Hunter) asked.

"Who is he??" I asked whispering to Anastasia, she looked at me with a doubt face but still answered my question "A comrade"

"I'm her lover and fiancè" I confidently answered, just as I thought this is a battle between true men.

"Bastard! Your whores won't let me live in peace! Wherever I go I kept seeing your jerk face! You're annoying and stop day dreaming never in my whole life would accept such a jerk as my lover more over a fiancè!!!" the peasant held Anastasia as she struggled to break free "Hunter unhand me! Just one punch and it'll be over!!" she protested.

"No kicking, no punching, no arguments that's the rules inside the inn" he answered.

I didn't even know there were such as rules inside this inn "Then I'll go bite him to death!!" she added.

After hearing that I smirked then spread my arms "With pleasure" I teased.

After a few moments Anastasia finally calmed down and that guy named Hunter released her.

"W-wait!" (Hunter's voice)

The last thing I saw is that I got hit by her then everything went black.

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