Time Skip

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4 years later

Anastasia's Pov

"Ice shield!" Humphrey's fire ball clashed with my ice shield.

"Fire arrows" he summoned fire arrows in the air.

"Ice-" I was about to attack when aunt Cordelia (Humphrey's mother) called.

"Stop it you two!! You've been training all day long, can you please rest your bodies for a bit?!!" she spoke.

"Hah hah" I fell on the ground with my cousin in exhaustion, we've been fighting since morning until dawn.

"Growl~*" our stomachs protested.

"Chum~chum~*" the three of us (Alejandro, Anastasia and Humphrey) ate like hungry wolves in dinner. Since grandpa and uncle are sent in the Northern border of the Empire to take care of some enemies only grandma, aunty, Alejandro, Humphrey and I was left in the dinning room, it was boring though.

"Anastasia how many times do I have to tell you that even though you're already part of the army now, you still have to act as a lady" aunt Cordelia spoke.

I rolled my eyes "Hahaha let her be Cordelia, she still have many years to learn those things" grandma said as she winked at me, I grinned.

"Whatever" aunty sighed as she raised her hands in defeat.

"WhiteSaber I bought food for you" I called out.

"Master" he immediately woke up from slumber.

"You glutton, you only wake up when it's time to eat" I spoke pouting.

WhiteSaber is my contracted beast, I named him after our clan. It's been four years since me and my brother discarded our surname as Goldstein from now on we're Anastasia and Alejandro Saberlord, and it's been four years since the massacre (the incident in the carriage) Duke Goldstein had sent a letter in this household informing about our disappearance five days after the massacre happened. I bet he's happy right now.

I must say grandma was right about choosing our contracted beasts earlier, they grow really slow and this guy had a huge appetite, he ate five meals a day and every meal could feed a whole commoner family for two days.

Well same goes to Hugh (The Hydra) Alejandro's beast and Hugo (Chimera) Humphrey's beast. When those three are grouped they always caused disaster aside from being lazy and gluttony.

I still doesn't know how to use this magic mirror I inherited from mother "Is this even magical?" I asked myself as I examined it.

I have given up on it a long time ago, I was now currently reading this ancient magical worn out book about fire magic, according to this book fire can change colours, when fire changes colours it gets stronger but to achieve this level, one must have to control it delicately, it also requires excessive training.

And it's been two years since I begun practicing it, after practicing it I was able to change it into two colours white and blue.

Learning six elements at the same time really drains all of my energy, especially Crystal magic, mom's spells are way too hard to master.

I unconsciously fell asleep.

"Wake up master" I opened my eyes as I felt something heavy placed in my stomach.

"WhiteSaber just five more minutes" I spoke lazily.

"Master, today is the day you we should leave to Qauviel Kingdom" he spoke in a matter-of-factly way.

I immediately get up to take a bath, not caring WhiteSaber has fallen out in bed because of me and lazily laying on the floor.

In Qauviel Kingdom there is a special school were they trained youngsters to become strong fighters, they don't specialize in magic instead they focused on making their body stronger and building stamina.

According to grandpa when he was still a teenager he used to compete in other Kingdoms to bring honor to our clan just like our ancestors did. But for me I'd like to travel in other Kingdoms to discover new things like creating new spells and to get stronger.

I was wearing white clothes as usual, I stuffed all my things in my spatial ring, WhiteSaber disguised himself as a cute puppy but I didn't expect him to be a fat puppy.

"Pffft" my eyes were watery as I resist myself from laughing.

"Master it's all your fault! If you didn't feed me with all those yummy food I wouldn't be so fat" he retorted.

"Ehh, and if I didn't gave you food you would steal anyways" I rolled my eyes.

"I would miss you guys" I said as I hugged them.

"Take good care" aunt spoke as she wipe her tears.

"Remember to take good care of your body" grandma said as she hugged me "Of course grandma"

"Remember boys should be five meters away from you, got it?" Humphrey warned as he rubbed his cheeks against mine.

"Got it Boss" I replied, I glanced at my brother I can see his eyes were full of tears.

"I thought this kid would never miss his sister hahaha" I said proudly as I patted his head. I really love this dear brother off mine, just look at that puffy red face he's making.

"Don't die" he spoke as tears keep flowing on his cheeks.

"I won't"

"Sayonara!!" I bid them goodbye for the last time.

"Let's go" I spoke to WhiteSaber as I covered my head with hood.

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