Unfortunate 2

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Chloe's Pov

I woke up very early in the morning, I slept great. I took a bath and changed my clothes and got out of my room.

I was greeted by Loraine, Master Simon's wife, he's my teacher and I'm his apprentice. He was a great magician and 3 years ago he accepted me as his apprentice because of my element.

His wife and daughter lived in Qauviel Kingdom, as a magician he must roam Kingdoms and Empires to search for an apprentice and discover new magic and spells. And I'm so lucky to be his chosen apprentice, Master Simon taught me great things like how to control my magic, healing spells and etc.

"Chloe-chan, can you help me gather beast cores?" Nile Master Simon's daughter asked me while we were having breakfast.

Nile is an adventurer, and adventurers likes adventure that includes danger that can lead to death. Until now I still can't believe how she did persuade aunty Loraine to become an adventurer, aunt Loraine is an educated woman, a perfectionist, very strict when it comes to etiquette and a woman with pride, not too mention she came from a noble family.

"Girls, how many times do I have to tell you. Act more like a proper lady look at yourselves you two looked like you were raised in a barn and not in a noble family" aunt Loraine criticising as she pointed on the two of us.

Nile and I looked at each other and chuckled "Simon!" aunty said as she asked for Master's help.

"Don't look at me dear, no matter how much you try to persuade them to act like proper ladies it won't happen" Master said calmly as he took a sip of his coffee.

"It's your fault!! If you were a little bit strict your daughter won't act like a delinquent, and if you didn't took Chloe-chan from her family she would probably get engaged with other noble boys or perhaps a royalty!"

Nile and I looked at each other then sneakily left.

"I know a shortcut follow me" Nile said as she gestured me to follow her.


When the two of us are finally inside the forest, Nile and I immediately encountered a beast.

It came from the underground, Nile and I didn't waste want to waste our time with a single beast and immediately finished it.

"Spectrum of light"

"Lightning Water Snake"

"Look at it's core it's crimson and it's huge~" Nile happily dug out the beast's core and showed it to me.

"Ehh? That ugly creature's beast core cost that lot?" I couldn't believe it, Nile and I actually got a jackpot.

These rare coloured beast cores extremely costs a lot, example this crimson coloured huge beast core could be sold within 200, 000- 500, 000 gold coins in an auction. Well some of this rare cores were used to in weapons or even jewelries.

And I've heard that the Wardorien Empire's Emperor gifted his Empress a necklace made of white gold and a beast core of a dragon!!! Imagine that, a beast core of a dragon!! That it's species were extinct thousands of years ago. That proves how much the Emperor favours his wife and I bet his concubines are drowning with jealousy. Hehehe

I can't stop drooling while dreaming, that one day I could get my hands on that necklace. Rumors said that it was labeled as the most expensive and priceless jewelry. Imagine how much money would it cost.

"Chloe-chan stop day dreaming, it won't get you anywhere in your life" Nile said as she shook my body trying to wake me up in reality.

"Hmm you're right" I said as I put my thumb and index finger on my chin.

"Now let's go make more money!!"

As me and Nile were walking, I've had this feeling that we've been lost. The trees didn't look suspicious or the surroundings but this is the Danger Forest filled with nasty and wild beasts, I've been here in a few times but I've never walked this peaceful inside the forest for this long.

"Nile is it just me that we're...lost" when I looked back I couldn't find Nile, my heart beat started to beat rapidly.

"Nile?!" I shouted trying to get a response but I didn't get any response.

Then a load roar got my attention I've followed the sound, I hastily ran to direction of the loud roar and hid when I saw a huge worm with long sharp teeth confronting a person wearing white cloak.

I want to help but my urge to see the person wearing white cloak overshadows it. I'll just help when needed.

Then that person surprisingly used a powerful ice magic to freeze the giant worm but it seems like it was just a simple spell yet it's attack was huge that it instantly froze the worm. But it seems the person is struggling to control his magic that his magic begun to freeze the surroundings.

I instantly ducked to avoid the sudden explosion.

"What happened?" I asked myself, I peeked only to see the person in cloak got up and walk away.

I tried to follow the person in a distance, until he found an apple tree and climbed to it's branch.

I was quite nervous "Saying hi won't kill me right?" I asked myself.


He stopped eating his apple and looked at his surroundings.

"Down here!" I said with a smile to show that I meant no harm.

He looked down and immediately ignored me. I pouted I've never met such a person who likes to snub others.

"*Cough *cough" I looked up again only to see him choking.

"Here catch!" I threw my flask for him to drink.

At first he just normally drank it but what happened next made me confused, just why did he just spat out the water?

"*Thud" he fell down.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yes" he got up stumbling a bit. I was dumbstrucked when suddenly his hood fell off, pink hair with white shade and that very familiar blue eyes.

My legs begun to shiver, as I recalled those memories four years ago. When father and I received a message from a messenger from the Royal Palace saying that the Goldstein's carriage that was supposed to carry Anastasia and Alejandro was found in the middle of the forest and all of the guards were found dead.

Some said that it was possible that they're alive but most said that they were probably sold as slaves. Father tried everything he can to find Anastasia and Alejandro by all means. But failed he even tried to persuade the Saberlord clan to help in the search yet they never responded.

It didn't take long for father to get sick and got himself depending on medicines, even my healing magic couldn't do a thing, it could heal sickness and wounds but it couldn't heal a person's depression and my magic couldn't force my father to eat.

"What's wrong?"

I nervously gulped as I stared at her with wide eyes.

She immediately covered her hair "I've got something to do.. see you" she was about to left when I grabbed her hand and gripped it.

"Anastasia" I bit my lip and praying on the inside that this girl is my (half) sister.


"You're alive" I couldn't contain my urge to hug her, and cried so loud.

She slightly pushed me "Chloe...I"

I knew it it's Anastasia!! But why did she tried to avoid me when she knew who I am? These things doesn't matter anymore what matters is that she's alive.

"We should tell father, I know he's going to be happy.." I didn't finish my sentence when she interrupted me.

"No" she said as she let go of my hands.

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