Going Home

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"Are you not going back to the Wardorien Empire?" Anastasia asked Hunter, after all he's a prince.

"What's there to go back in that place?" Hunter spoke with a sarcastic smile. He decided to spend his time training alone. The four of them didn't waste anymore time and left.

As Jasmine was walking she was pulled towards a secluded place, when she was about to fight back she saw the person's  face and froze. It was her older cousin Emeis Azraq, the said prodigy of the Azraq clan in Azura Empire. Jasmine was confused with his odd behavior.

"Cousin what's wrong?"

"Earlier this morning father sent me a letter to go back to the Azura Empire as soon as possible" Emeis eyes was full of seriousness.

"Did something happened when we're gone?" Jasmine responded.

"It was said that the Saberlord clan was annihilated by the Wardorien Empire's Emperor due to treason. Father and the (Azura Empire's) Emperor wanted to seize this opportunity to conquer the Wardorien Empire"

A wicked grin appeared on Jasmine's face it seems like Anastasia would encounter such unfortune when she goes home. The Polemistés Academy is secluded from any rumors or distraction from the outside and usually the headmaster and the teachers are the only ones that have access to the news that goes inside the Academy. It's really inconvenient for the students to communicate with their families and the news that goes in and out from the Academy would take a long process.

Meanwhile Anastasia was on her trek beside her walking was Noir. It's been so long since the last time she had written a letter to her grandfather and he hasn't been able to reply, she was homesick and there was no day that Anastasia would not long to go back to her family. She missed her aunt's cooking, the warm hugs from her grandmother, the scoldings of her grandpa, her uncle's obsession with collecting weapons and Alejandro and Humphrey's clashing noises.

The snow was thick and it was very cold, the night has finally ascended, Anastasia wore thick fur coats yet it seems like it was not enough. She build a huge fire using WhiteSaber's flames if it was before using her fire element she would have probably burned down the trees.

So many things that was circling in her mind made her fast asleep. Noir laid his mistress down carefully before entering the space WhiteSaber was into. All he could say that this dragon was purely majestic, it's species used to be gone a thousands of years ago.  But what made Noir more interested is that the huge beast core in its chest was overflowing with power, it's scale was white and in the shape of like an armour draped in its body but when you look closely you could see the vague little very delicate markings on it.

But what's more terrifying was that Noir can't even measure the strength of WhiteSaber. It's simply Impossible, even if a ranked Heavenly Realm beast would kowtow to his feet and shiver in fright in his presence, since his existence was linked from a god.

Noir tried to release his aura but it seems like WhiteSaber couldn't feel anything and was still sleeping. This guy could probably be a descendant of an ancient dragon from the Highest Realm. The realm of the celestial beings the most noble gods, the Primordial deities. Their power could easily wipe out a realm without blinking an eye. In order for WhiteSaber to unlock to his final form and enter the Highest Realm he would require a soul from a god. But what god from the mortal world would be willing to part his/her soul.

It was a very long journey to be able to finally go back home. The smile on Anastasia's face was priceless and she was very excited to see her family again. The winter season was still going on nevertheless there were still many people in the streets.

Anastasia ran so fast towards the direction of her home. Noir noticed the odd behavior of the people as if there was something off. The smiles on their faces looked like it was forced out, there were guards everywhere in the streets and people acts very cautious.

He followed the tracks of Anastasia and found her on the ground with face full of disbelief. The home she once knew was burned to ashes.

"I-it..can't be" the smile on her face was replaced with a painful expression, her voice was low and her words were barely heard.

There was a young girl that patted Anastasia's shoulder "Young Miss I was waiting for you to come back"

"Who are you?" Anastasia's eyes were full of vigilance.

"Young Miss might not know me but I worked as a maid in the Saberlord clan's residence I am Vasillis" the young girl replied.

"Where are they?!" Anastasia desperately asked her eyes were in the brink of bursting into tears, her hands were shaking as she held Vasillis.

"There's something I wanted to show you"

It was winter and the snow was thick, the wind was cold and the sky was dark. But nothing was more colder than Anastasia's heart.

Bodies of more than a hundred people were torn apart, their upper bodies were pierced with spears and was left in the center of the capital unburied. It was obvious that they had suffered an inhumane torture before they were killed, their bodies served as a warning to those who committed treason and crimes against the imperial family. There was also a post that says [Saberlord clan has committed treason against the imperial family and was executed under the laws of the Empire]

The faces of the people were left unrecognizable and their fleshes have started to rot.

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