Chapter Nineteen: Confrontation of Aurors

Start from the beginning

"These kids can't have seriously faced Grindelwald and lived?! They don't even look eleven years old!" He demands, face turning red at Dumbledore's words.

"Did you not see them facing him or have you gone blind at thirty, Bones?" A witch comes up, sneering at the man beside her. The rest of the Aurors were rounding up the fallen witch and wizards that I'd kinda tortured to unconsciousness.

I couldn't help but wince when they started to haul their unmoving bodies onto stretchers. "Albus. Insane amounts of black magic were used here. Way more than any of Grindelwald's old crime scenes." She tells the professor.

My face reveals nothing.

I saw Tom staring at me from the corner of his eye, but I don't look back at him. He knew those were the wizards I'd been fighting. Tom shoves me forward, and I whip my head around to glare at him. 'Later' My eyes tell him, but he wasn't having any of that.

"Valentine fought those men." Tom declares, putting me on the spot.

"Tell them someone else came and helped you fight them off. Add some tears." Abaddon instantly says in my head. Good thing, my arm still ached like a bitch.

I let out a sob, nodding frantically. "They- They just attacked out of nowhere!" I cry, tears whelming up in my eyes at my command. "They were going to hurt the little girl, and I didn't want her to get killed." I point to the child in Dumbledore's hands.

"Some man came and helped me fight them off. But I was so scared I couldn't do anything." I wailed. "I only know basic spells!" I say, tearing up and then hold my wand for effect. "Lumos!" I say, but I don't use my magic, so nothing happens. "SEE!!" I scream wailing. "I CAN'T EVEN DO SUCH AN EASY SPELL!!!" I scream in rage, making the Aurors step back in shock. "Lumos! Lumos! LUMOS!!! LUMOSSSSS!!!" I scream over and over again.

My goal was to make them think I was traumatized, but I guess I overdid it, and they thought I'd gone utterly mad.

I let out another terrifying wail of agony, mostly because my arm was killing me. "Alright. Alright! Sweetie, do you know what the man who helped you looked like?" The woman asks softly, hands out in front of her as she tried to calm me down like she was talking to an animal.

"I DON'T REMEMBER!!!" I scream, sobbing like a madwoman.

"Valentine, dear. Calm down, please, you'll frighten the child." Albus tells me.

"But it was HORRIBLE!! I couldn't even do ONE SPELL!!" I holler in tears.

"LUMOS!!!" I screech, and my wand doesn't light up, making me let out another bawl of sorrow.

"Alright, calm down, girl!!!" Auror Bones says tersely, and I sniffle, looking up at him with innocence shining in my eyes.

"It's all right, my girl. Calm down. We're just going to go check the scans of the magic this man must've performed." He tells Albus, looking at me with a weirded out and pitying look. The witch looks at us wide-eyed, taking one look at me and taking a couple steps back when she hears my sniffles.

"I'm just- I'm just going to follow... yeah, bye." She announces, and I don't think I've ever seen someone move faster.

"Valentine, my child, everything will be fine just-" Albus starts to calm me down, but I whirl on Tom wand raised at his neck.

"I'm going to slaughter you!" I snarl. Tom looked highly amused and actually snickers.

"Why don't you continue that little scene you were doing. I truly think they were utterly terrified of you. They thought you'd gone mad. Not too far from the truth, actually." He jeers at me, not even looking twice at the wand pointed at his throat.

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