Chapter 33

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#Smutwarning #Blowjob

*4 months later*

Alec fiddled with his bowtie. He couldn't get it to cooperate with him. His fingers were shaking.

"Come on, buddy. Let me do that for you."

Stepping in to take over, Jace created the perfect bowtie.

"I cant believe you are getting married. It's insane."

Jace smiled at Alec.

"Says the married man. Great job at keeping me from panicking."

"Shit, sorry Alec. It was just a joke. I didn't think you were that nervous. It's just Magnus. The love of your life."

"I know. I'm Not.. not really... its just... It fels weird that my father isn't here. I had always thought he would be standing in the front of the church, filming everything. Being insanely proud. But I guess that was never going to happen. Not even if he hadn't gone to jail."

Jace pulled Alec in for a hug. He sensed that Alec really needed it right now.

"It's okay to miss the father you wish you had. Nobody would blame you for that. Especially not on a day like this."

Tears stung in his eyes. He wasn't going to cry. No way. It was just a bit of an emotional day and Jace's words didn't exactly help. HE cleared his throat and turned around, gazing into the full-sized mirror.

"You look hot dude. Magnus won't know what hit him."

Aiming an elbow at Jace's ribs Alec couldn't help but chuckle. He loved having Jace Around. And since Clary had become a regular on the show, they had moved here.

Alec loved it, even though he could tell that Magnus missed being on the show. Getting fired from it wasn't the greatest memory, but Luke had cleared everything up to save Magnus' reputation. Luke had explained that Magnus had worked deep undercover for the department, and wasn't involved in drugs, despite the rumors that had flowed around.

Alec himself had continued on the movie, but had played the memory loss card to get shorter days throughout the hole Lilith-chaos. Now he was working fulltime again.

"Are you ready dude? Unless you want to run?"

"You are such an idiot..."

When Alec slapped Jace on the shoulder, Jace slapped back and within seconds they were tumbling around like kids.

"Guys! Come on! It's you wedding day big brother. Could you please behave like grown-ups?"

"Sorry Iz."

Both guys answered at the same time.

"Hey, where's my beautiful niece?"

"She's with her father. And your daughter is with Magnus. Now go take your stand in the front before Madzie and Magnus goes down the aisle."

Checking himself once more In the mirror and adjusting his hair, Alec hurried out of the room and to the front of the church, passing by Simon that was holding his niece. Jace followed close by.

"I can't believe you all have kids... Maybe I should talk to Clary about trying to make a baby."

"Jace, really? Right now?"

Alec glared at his friend. His best man.

"Sorry... Bad timing."

"You think?"

Rolling his eyes, he gazed towards the back of the church. Waiting for the music to start and his daughter and his fiancé to enter.

He could barely hold back the tears when the first notes sounded throughout the church. Everyone he loved where gathered. His mother, Izzy, Clary, Lydia, John, Jace and even Simon, but he noticed nothing else than Madzie smiling up at him while throwing rose paddles on the floor. Right behind came Magnus in the most stunning white suit. He looked beautiful.

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