Chapter 21

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After retrieving another letter and a note for Luke, Alec was on his way to the diner. Luke was sitting at his usual spot.

"You've got something for me?"

Luke reached out to take the note Alec passed him.


Alec looked curious at Luke, hoping it was good news. He had never gotten a note to Luke two days in a row before. It had to be a good sign

"Not much I'm afraid. He wants me to look into this guy's medical history."

"What about taking down... you know who?"

Alec's voice turned into a whisper when the waiter arrived to take their orders. Both just ordered coffee and she quickly retrieved two cups.

Alec nodded a thank you to her before focusing on Luke again, who was almost emptying the sugar bowl into his cup. Alec rose an eyebrow in question.

"What? Its been a long day. I'm tired. This will help me stay awake."

Luke rose his cup as a salute to Alec.

"if you say so." Alec chuckled when Luke took a sip of his sugar with coffee.

"But back to the question. We don't have enough Alec. I'm sorry. We've got more on Magnus right now than her. She's to smart. She never gets her hands dirty."

Luke sighed. He hated being the bearer of bad news, especially to Alec. He looked so defeated.

They both sat in silence for a while, sipping the coffee deep in thoughts.

"Well, we are just going to trick her into getting her hands dirty. I'll figure something out."

Alec stood up, placed the money for coffee on the table and walked out. Focused. Determent. If they needed proof, he would get proof.


A delicious smell woke Magnus. He smiled, still half asleep.

"Alexander, have you brought breakfast again?"

"Sorry to disappoint..."

Magnus sat up way too fast, startled by the sound of Jonathans voice, and felt the room spinning from the headrush.

"Whoa, easy. Are you okay?"

Jonathan reached out to steady him, but Magnus slapped his hand away.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Good morning to you too. You are really not a morning person..."


Magnus jumped up. Agitated. He had made Jonathan leave yesterday under the pretense that he needed to sleep. Then he had went to the park and left the notes for Alec.

The apartment had been empty when he returned, and he knew for a fact that he had locked the door.

"Calm down. I used the master key. You seemed so worn down yesterday, so I wanted to do something nice for you."

"This is not nice Jonathan! This is creepy! Nice would have been bringing food and KNOCKING. Not freaking entering while I'm sleeping!"

Magnus could feel himself get riled up. He didn't like the fact that Jonathan could come and go as he pleased. He could never be safe.

"Sorry. I guess I'm just going to leave... I just thought we could be friends..."

When Jonathan put down the food on the table and walked crestfallen towards the door, Magnus sighed.


He pinched the brink of his nose.

"You might as well stay..."

Magnus had to keep up pretenses. He needed to get their trust and he didn't get that by throwing him out.

"I'm sorry. You just startled me."

Magnus tried to smile at him. Luckily Jonathan didn't notice the failed attempt.

"Really? Great!"

He instantly went back and pulled out a chair. Magnus discreetly rolled his eyes and sat down at the table.

"I'm sorry for making you think I was Alec. You still miss him?"

Jonathan looked curiously at Magnus.

"I... um... I guess do. He was the love of my life... before everything happened..."

Magnus had to remember to not let Jonathan know that he still loved Alec.

"Do you mean the kidnapping? I heard about that."

"Alec's kidnapping? Where did you hear about that?" Magnus could feel himself tense up again.

"His family told the public? Remember?"

Magnus let his shoulders drop again.

"Oh yeah. That's right. I forgot that."

"That's understandable. You weren't together at that time, were you?"

"No, we weren't. He couldn't remember me. Well not the real me anyway."


Jonathan stared suspiciously into his plate of food.

"What do you mean by 'hmm'?"

"I.. um... I've just heard something about that. Back then..."

"What did you hear?" Magnus stood up, leaning over the table. Inches away from Jonathans face.

"I'm sorry. I'm not sure I can..."


Magnus interrupted him, grabbing his shirt.

"Alright! Calm down!"

Magnus let go of Jonathan, took a deep breath and sad down again.

"I'm not sure you want to know..."

"Tell me anyway."

"I heard that it was Asmodeus who did it. That he didn't like that you had found someone that kept you away from him and this life. So, he kidnapped Alec and altered his memories of you."

Magnus' jaw dropped. He couldn't believe it. His father had played him? And Magnus had stepped right into his trap.

"Are you sure?"

Magnus couldn't anything but whisper.

"Yes. I overheard Asmodeus planning it with Lilith. She wanted you to come here too. It was the first thing I ever heard them agreeing on."

Magnus could feel the vomit building in his throat. He ran to the bathroom and dropped down in front of the toilet.

Tears streamed down his face while he emptied his stomach.

Alec was tortured because of me...

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