Chapter 29

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"Is he in there?"

Magnus was almost vibrating with impatience. Every cell in his body was alert and ready to take his revenge. Alec's revenge. What kind of father would torture their own son? And the fact that he also had killed Magnus' father did not make things better.

Not that Magnus missed his father or anything, but it was still his family. His blood.

Jonathan nodded towards Magnus as he placed his hand on the door. When Magnus gave him a nod back, he opened it. The room was pitch black. The only light came from the doorway they stood in. When Magnus' eyes had gotten used to it, he could see a man kneeling with his ankles chained to the floor. His hands was behind his back, and Magnus guessed that they were chained too. The mans head hang low against his chest.

Jonathan stepped in, encircled the body.

Mother has done well. He looks fed and clean. Nobody will be able to tell that he has been with us for weeks.

Jonathan kicked against the man's legs, knocking him down to his side on the concrete.

"Son of a...!"

The man fumbled around on the floor, not able to get up. His spirit wasn't broken. He still put up a fight.

"Look up old man. You have company."

Robert glared at Jonathan. Hatred shining through. Then he looked in the direction that Jonathan had gestured. Roberts eyes went wide. Recognition shined through. Then hope that quickly turned into fear when he saw the desire to kill in Magnus' eyes. He recognized that look. He had seen it before. Asmodeus had the same look when he had been given an assignment, that involved someone who had done unspeakable things.

Robert had known Asmodeus for years. They weren't friends, but Asmodeus was the one Robert called, when he needed a job done.

But Robert didn't like seeing that look in the eyes of the man his son was... dating.

"Magnus... what are you doing here... is Alec... is he alright?"

The trembling voice escaping Roberts lips almost threw Magnus off balance. He sounded worried. Utterly concerned. Then anger kicked him in the gut once more. How dared he to pretend to be concerned about someone he had tortured. Almost killed.

Magnus felt like his body got consumed with fire. Hatred burning within.


Magnus launched at Robert, screaming and kicking the man that rolled into a ball on the floor, trying to protect himself from the pain that was inflected on him.

Jonathan watched from afar, smiling mischievously at the show in front of him. Magnus looked hot! Scary and hot as hell.

When the body at Magnus' feet no longer whimpered, he pulled back. The anger that had consumed him was gone and nothing but fear and shame was left.

" he dead?"

He could barely recognize his own voice. It was trembling and shaking. And not even higher than a whisper. Jonathan kneeled down beside Robert, checking his pulse.

"No. He is still breathing."

As soon as Jonathan had said Robert wasn't dead Magnus ran out the door and threw up in the corner. Jonathan took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Almost. He is almost there. Next time. Next time he will kill him. I'm sure.


Taking a deep breath, Alec grabbed the handle on the door, pulled the pink bag up over his shoulder and looked down at the little girl holding his hand.

"Are you ready Madzie?"

The girl nodded slowly and Alec opened the door.

"Welcome to your new home, my sweet girl."

When they stepped inside her tiny brown eyes widened.

"WAOW! This is huge Alec! Are we going to live here? Will I get my own room?"

Alec couldn't help but smile.

"Yes we are going to live here and of course you will be getting your own room. It will be right down the hall from my room. Came on, I'll show you."

Alec led Madzie down the hall towards the room, passing by a surprised Izzy.

He let Madzie explore her new room and went back to talk to his sister.

"What the hell Alec? What is happening?"

Izzy kept glancing down the hall not able to comprehend what that had just happened.

"She is going to live with me now. She has no family, and the woman she has lived with is ill. Deadly ill."

"Oh my god... that's terrible..."

Izzy had placed a hand over her mouth and tried to hold back the tears that stung at her eyes. She had trouble controlling her emotions this late in her pregnancy.

"I know. But I'm going to take good care of her. And I know you are going to help me, so she will never miss out on anything."

With tears streaming down her face, Izzy nodded. She had no words.

"Alec... I'm hungry..."

MAdzie came up and took Alec's hand with a shy look on her face. She almost seemed ashamed of saying she was hungry.

"Then we'll make you some food."

He lifted her up and placer her on his hip before carrying her to the kitchen. Her little face brightened up with a smile.

"Really? Are we going to eat now?"

Realization dawned on Alec. Catarina had been struggling with keeping them alive. They probably never ate very much. Madzie wasn't use to being able to eat when she was hungry.

"Why don't we make pancakes? Do you like that?"

Madzie shook her head.

"I don't know. I've never tried that..."

Izzy stood in the doorway, wiping away the tears.

"Then let's make pancakes!"

She came into the kitchen and pulled out everything they needed.

"oh no..."

Alec mumbled and then whispered into Madzies ear.

"We'd better help her. You aunt Izzy isn't a particularly good cook."

The little girl started giggling. Then Alec sat her down.

"May I help you?"

Madzie looked up at Izzy with hope in her eyes.

"Of course you can, pretty girl."

She lifted her up and sat her on the counter.

"You can mix the batter."

Madzie happily grabbed the bowl and waited for Alec and Izzy to put in the ingredients.

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