Chapter 18

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"Izzy, I swear if you are going to take much longer getting ready, I'm kicking you out and then you can stay with mom and dad!"

Alec rubbed his temples. These last few months had been dreadful. Izzy and Simon were living in his apartment with him. His life had never been as dramatic as it was now, and with what he had been through that was saying something.

Izzy was constantly hormonal. Crying, screaming, yelling... Everything. And Simon always just tried to please her, but he was so out of his league with her and Alec could tell she kind of scared him sometimes.

Alec knew his sister well. She could be truly terrible, and that baby inside her, made her demonic at times. He even felt bad for Simon.

And to make everything worse, she took for ever getting ready in the mornings. Worse than Magnus. Of course he couldn't say anything about that, because he was supposed to not remember.

Alec sighed and pinched the brink of his nose with his thumb and index finger, closing his eyes shut.

"Is she driving you crazy too?"

Simons voice was barely noticeable.

"Yeah... she is getting unbearable. You have to stand up to her soon."

"Shh.. not so loud!"

Simon starred at the bathroom door, his eyes wide open with panic.

"Come on Simon. You have to man up, or she'll walk all over you for the rest of your life."

"I know... and I'm okay with that." Simon smiled lightly.

"You are so whipped, man." Alec chuckled. He had come to like this guy.

"Yeah, that might be true. But that's okay. I'm just looking forward to this hormonal-thing goes away, and I get my... um get Izzy back."

Simon ducked his head looking up at Alec.

"Simon, you do know you can call her your girlfriend without me getting angry right? You are having a kid together for christ sake."

Alec walked into the kitchen while shaking his head. That guy was so afraid of conflicts.

Simon followed him.

"I know... I just didn't want to rub it in..."

Alec turned around, starring confused at him.

"Rub what in? oh... "


Alec hated that he couldn't tell them the truth. They all thought Magnus had left him. No one could figure out exactly what had happened, and therefore they just assumed that Magnus had left him because Alec wanted to forgive his father and let him back in his life. And Alec couldn't defend Magnus, because he wasn't supposed to remember.
Everyone just thought that the 'home invasion' that occurred was unrelatable and just bad luck. And that being assaulted in his home, after a break up with Magnus had caused his memory loss.

No one knew that he heard from Magnus every day. That he went to the park to read a new love letter from Magnus each day.

He missed him of course, but it felt like they were just as close as they had always been. At least in spirit.

The way Simon looked at Alec, he could tell that he felt bad for bringing it up.

"It's okay Simon. I don't remember him that much anyway, so..."

Simon slowly nodded, but still with that I-feel-bad-for-you kind of look in his eyes.

Alec pushed past him and went in to his bedroom, pulling out the letters. He needed to read Magnus' words right now. That look Simon gave him had been a punch in the gut.

My love

I miss you more than words can describe. You are all and more to me. These days without your touch, your smile, are the hardest I ever had to endure. But I know we will get through this.

I can't wait to feel you in my arms again. To see the way the skin crinkles around your beautiful hazel eyes every time you really smile. That genuine loving smile.

I miss that intoxicating smell that reminds me of your light sun kissed skin. I can almost recall the smell just be thinking of you.

Unfortunately, it makes me miss you even more.

I miss your gentle touch. The way your fingers brushed over my skin. The way your eyes followed the trails of goosebumps your fingers left in their wake traveling down my body.

The way your tongue always darted out to wet you lips when you got turned on.

I am making this so much harder on myself right now. Even just the thought of your touch makes me unspeakable hard.

I miss you my darling.

Your heart.

Your soul

And your body.

Forever yours.


Alec could feel himself getting affected by the letter. The first couple of weeks the love letters had been just that. Letters that spoke of their love. But as timed passed so did their longing and lust for each other, and the letters grew lustful.

Alec had caught himself, more than once, reading the letters over and over again, touching himself as he read the words.

And this letter was just when it had started.

The last letters they had exchanged would even make a pornstar blush.

Alec got up and turned the lock on his door. With what he had in mind right now, he really wouldn't want his sister to walk in.

Alec pulled out the letters that had been read the most and put them into a pile on his bedside table. Then he removed his clothes and got under his comforter.

Taking his dick in hand, he started reading the first letter in the pile, mentally summoning Magnus, pretending it was his touch that stroked his length.

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