Chapter 5

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When Magnus left the apartment to go to work his head was filled with thoughts and he couldn't turn it off. It distracted him from noticing, and putting together, the small signs of Alec being discontented.

Magnus had usually been a very observant boyfriend. But with all he had going on, he hadn't realized exactly how much Alec was hurting.

He had noticed Alec's insecurity but not how deep it ran.

Magnus was convinced everything would be better when he could leave his conning life behind him yet again.

He had decided to go with his original plan. Contact Ragnor and see if he knew something. He just had to be cautious that Lilith didn't find out. He wouldn't risk Alec's safety. And Lilith was that type of woman that would take her revenge out on those he loved.

He wrote a note for Ragnor to contact him, placed it in a tiny plastic bag, and left it in a hollow tree in central park.

That had always been the way to contact Ragnor. He didn't trust cellphones. He was convinced that the government listened in on every conversation and used them to track people. He was a very paranoid person, although he might not be completely wrong.

Magnus decided to go take care of the assignment Lilith had given him, not wanting to give her any reason to distrust him. He needed her to think he was loyal and obedient.


Alec could feel himself trailing off and forgetting every line today.

The rest of the cast looked concerned, and perhaps a little annoyed at him when he once more had screwed up a take. One of his co-stars approached him.

"Alec, what's going on?"

"I don't know, I don't know. I'm so sorry guys. I'm so fucking sorry..."

He ran his fingers through his hair, making a mess of it.

"I don't know why this is happening. It's the first thing in the fucking morning..."

His so-stars couldn't help but laugh at his words, making Alec chuckle too. Forgetting his troubles in his personal life for a second.

His new co-stars weren't the same as having Jace, Magnus or Clary around, but they were good people and could make him laugh.

And the best part: they all new about him having a boyfriend and not a single one had reacted strangely to it.

"Let's take five."

The director called out for the cast and hoped a few minutes would help them settle down and concentrate a little better.

When Alec walked over to his chair, he saw a familiar face sitting there.

"Jace! What the fuck! What are you doing here?"

Alec pulled Jace into a backslapping hug.

"I missed you, my brother."

Alec smiled at Jace's words.

"And besides, Clary has an audition. For a new role on Magnus' show actually."

"Wow. That's great..."

Alec forced himself to smile.

"That seemed less than convincing... What's wrong? Don't you want us here?"

Alec sighed.

"Of course, I do. I'm sorry. It's just... Magnus is just already really busy with his new co-star Aline and... I guess I'm... a little jealous perhaps. And afraid he might spend more time away from home if Clary is on set with him..."

He looked down at the floor. Embarrassed by the words that came out of his mouth.

"Alec. It's okay. Of course, you are going to be a little jealous. You guys have had a tough year. And I promise, Clary isn't going to take all your time with Magnus away from you."

Alec smiled at his friend. Of course, he understood. It was Jace. He almost knew him better than he knew himself.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I hope she gets the part. I would love having you guys around." Alec said, and meant it sincerely.

He loved both Jace and Alec. And he had no reason to be jealous of Clary. She wouldn't take his man away from him. Of course, she wouldn't. She might even remind Magnus to come home a little earlier once in a while.

"Dude, why don't you join us for dinner? I'm meeting Clary after her audition. You should totally come. I mean, if you're ever going to get that scene right."

Jace teased Alec, making him slap Jace on the shoulder.

Both laughing at the familiar motion.

It was like no time had passed by.


When Clary arrived at the restaurant, she was pleased to see Alec sitting across from Jace. She ran over and hugged him tight.

"Oh Alec! I've missed you so much!"

Alec hugged her back, enjoying having his family home again.

Clary sat down next to Jace and kissed him lightly.

"How did it go?"

Both men looked at Clary with curiosity.

"I think it went well. Let's see if I'm going to get a call-back."

Alec leaned over the table.

"What did Magnus say when he saw you there? I bet he got really excited."

Alec's eyes glowed with enthusiasm. He loved thinking about Magnus being happy and thrilled.


Clary darted her eyes over to Jace for a second before looking at Alec once more.

"He wasn't there. They said he had called in sick..."

Alec felt his heart drop.

"That can't be right. He left for work this morning..."

Alec felt the nausea coming on fast. He ran into the bathroom, slammed the door open and threw up.

Why is Magnus lying? Is he cheating on me?

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