Chapter 2

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Lilith leaned towards him, sitting in the chair that almost looked like a throne. The black hair framed in her face, making her pale skin seem almost white. She reminded Magnus of a vampire. It was exactly how they looked in TV.

"My dear prince. I appreciate how quickly you arrived. I need you to take care of another little unsettled business of mine."

"I thought the previous time was my last? I have paid my debt!"

Magnus hated being an errand-boy for Lilith. He had done it a couple of times, and had hoped he was done by now.

"You have no such thing!"

Lilith rapidly rose from her chair and slammed both hands on the table between them. Her intimidating voice made Magnus take a step back. He hated admitting it, but she scared him. she was capable of anything.

She smiled once more, calming herself down, while sitting back into the chair.

"The deal we made was that you took your fathers place. You agreed to this when I contacted you. Don't forget that.  You work for me now, young prince. There's no getting out and there is NO last time."

Magnus tried to swallow the lump in his throat but failed.

He had known it was dangerous to make a deal with Lilith. But he hadn't had much of a choice back then.

Besides, he needed to figure out who killed his father, and this was the only way.

"Whatever you need..."

Magnus bowed before Lilith, taking on the role of a loyal servant. At least he pretended to. He was a former conman after all. He knew how to deceive people.

His father had taught him well.

Lilith looked pleased with the motion. She folded her hands in front of her, resting the elbows on the table.

"Much better, my young prince. Now, this is the person who owes me money. Go collect them. Or bring me his head."

She slid a picture across the table. Magnus took it and read the name on the back. Luckily it wasn't anyone he knew.

"Now leave."

Magnus bowed once more before backing out of the bar. He didn't turn around until he was outside. He didn't trust her or her men.

He put the photograph in his pocket. He would first go and have dinner with Alec. He had promised and he didn't want to go back on a promise to Alec.

He could go see this person later even though he wasn't looking forward to it, but it had to be done.

Fortunately, everyone he had visited on behalf of Lilith had paid up so far. He hoped that would continue.


Walking into the apartment a questionable smell made its way too his nostrils. He wrinkled his nose. He should have known better then to let Alec cook.

Magnus sighed. Well, it was his own fault for leaving in the middle of making dinner and now he was going to eat it. It would make Alec happy. And he needed to make Alec happy. He was the only bright thing in his life right now.

Entering the kitchen, a thick, foul smoke filled the room. Alec stood by the stove, trying to save the food from getting burned.

When he heard Magnus, he looked at him with a sad expression.

"I'm sorry Magnus... I've ruined it."

He tossed the pot into the sink with despair.

Thank God! Now we can order in...

Magnus walked over to his disappointed boyfriend.

"Its okay Alec. It is just food. We'll order a pizza."

"But Magnus, you trusted me to do this. I keep disappointing you..."

"Listen to me Alexander."

Magnus cupped Alec's jaw and lifted his head up. Wanting to gaze into his eyes.

"You can never disappoint me. I love you."

He placed a gentle kiss on Alec's lips. Savoring the feeling of being so close to his boyfriend.

"I love you too..." Alec mumbled against Magnus' lips, before deepening the kiss.

Alec needed this. He needed Magnus more than he needed to breath. He kept feeling like he was going to lose Magnus. That's why he was so upset about ruining dinner. He wanted to show Magnus that he was a good boyfriend. That he was worth keeping around.

But when Magnus kissed him, he was reminded that it didn't matter if he could cook or dance or anything like that. It wasn't important that this was his first relationship with a man.

Nothing else but the love between them mattered. He wished he could remind himself of that, even when Magnus wasn't around. He hated being so insecure.

Although he wasn't insecure when they made love. That was something he knew he was good at. And he knew Magnus loved everything about it. It was just all the normal relationship-stuff he sucked at.

With this in mind, Alec cupped Magnus ass, lifted him up and carried him into the bedroom.

Anything else could wait.

Who needed food to survive anyway?

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