I softly landed on the ground in front of the little girl as she stared at me wide eyed. I gently picked her up and patted her hair as I held out her balloon while offering her a smile then making my dark wings disappear along with my horns and tail.

"Here you go little one, make sure to don't let go of it next time okay?" I said and she blinked at me before nodding and taking the balloon from my hand while still staring at me.

"Y-You're Usagi Kuro from the sports festival!" She exclaimed and I sweat dropped at her statement, can't believe people still remember that. She looked around us before leaning in close to me while I let her do so, lowering myself down to her level.

"I didn't know you had horns and wings!" She whispered and I only giggled, I crouched down to her and whispered back.

"Don't tell the others but I'm an angel too." I said and she cutely gasped before jumping up and down.

"That's so cool! I want to be just like you!" She said and hugged me as I laughed but returned the favor. A woman came running to us and panted before the little girl in my arms turned around and ran to her, must be her mother.

"There you are akane! I was looking everywhere for you!" Her mother yelled as she picked her up into her arms then she must've noticed me because she started bowing with the little girl in her arms.

"I'm sorry for my little daughter causing trouble-" She apologized and I quickly waved my arms in front of my body, denying her assumption.

"U-Uh no actually I was just helping her retrieve her balloon that's all!" I said and she stopped bowing before thanking me.

"What's your daughters name anyway ma'am?" I asked her and she looked at her daughter who was staring at the other kids her age using their quirk.

"Her name's akane and I'm Akira." She said and let her daughter down who was still staring at the other kids.

"May I ask but is she quirkless?" I whispered to her as she frowned but nodded slowly, she caressed her daughter's hair who wore a small frown on her delicate face.

I stared at the little girl before an idea came into mind, maybe it's time to let go of these things right her. I crouched down beside her again and grabbed her hand.

"Hey little one, I have a present for you." I said and she looked at me, I placed out a hand to her and made a blue light come out of my palms. She stared at the orb wide eyed before I grabbed her hand and slowly let her palm absorbed it.

"There, don't tell anyone but I can give you a quirk." I whispered low to her ear as she looked at me agape once again, she looked at her palms before to me then hugging me tight.

"It's a promise! I won't tell anyone at all!" She said and I hugged her back as I pat her in the back.

"If anyone asked you how you got it, well just say you're a late bloomer." I whispered to her again and she nodded at me before going back to her mother while waving goodbye at me.

I stood up and sho walked up to me with a small smile on his face.

"I didn't know you were so compatible with kids." He complemented me and I just laughed before walking towards endeavor who seems to be stuck with all the citizens asking for pictures with him.

"They're a bunch of sunshines, how could I not love them?" I said and giggled as one citizen tried to jump on endeavor.

"By the way, what was that orb thing you gave to her." He suddenly asked me and I froze before shrugging at the question.

"Just a trick I learned when I was young, which also means I healed her wound." I said, half-lying to him. I'm really sorry sho but I promise I'll tell you someday.

He shrugged and watched endeavor getting attacked with pictures by the whole city while I remained slightly laughing at the scene, eventually sho and I got bored and removed all the citizens from him as to which endeavor gave us a cold glare in return for prolonging his agony.

Third person's point of view

A little girl and her mother walked back inside their house after a long, exhausting day of walking around the city. The little girl quickly went to the bathroom to wash her hands as her mother prepared their dinner, that is until she saw something in the mirror.

Her eyes screamed fear as her body shuddered at what she was seeing, she was about to scream when the girl with blue hair in the mirror quickly placed a finger on her lips and silently asked her to keep quiet.

The little girl nodded before locking the door and going back to the mirror while she stared cautiously as the girl in the reflection.

Hello.... I'm Alina, also known as your quirk.

The girl in the reflection said and she stood there confused as she stared at her.

"My q-quirk? Oh r-right! Ms. Usagi gave me one! So you're that quirk?!" She cheered and as she rambled to her about how she was so excited about all of this.

Well yes but you have to keep quiet, many bad people would want to have something like this and my former user gave me to you which means she probably trusted you....

"Bad people?" The little girl said and the reflection nodded at her, she felt a little scared at the situation but she tried to remain calm.

But don't worry! I'll make sure you're super duper strong! So the bad people can't harm you!

"Really?! Okay!" The girl cheered as they both wore a determined face while having a grin.

So let me explain myself to you, your quirk now is called 'nature'! Which means you can control vines, trees, plants and flowers!

"Cool! Can I try them now?!" The little girl exclaimed as she jumped up and down on the ground while she still stared at the mirror, the reflected nodded.

Try to imagine the plants or flowers are moving.

She nodded at the mirror before closing her eyes and focusing at the thought of plants and flowers are moving, she opened her eyes and frowned when she felt nothing. She was about to say something to the mirror when her mother screamed outside, she quickly unlocked the door and ran towards her mother.

"Mom! What's wrong?" She yelled to her once she saw her back away from something, her mother moved towards her and hugged her protectively as she stared at their sunflower on the counter moving its leaves and its-uh- head.

The girl's eyes widen and jumped out in her mother's arms in joy, she ran towards the plant and brought it up to her mother.

"Mom! I have a quirk! Look! I can control the flower!" She yelled and cheered; her mother stared at her wide eyed before tearing up for her daughter who received her very own quirk who a certain blue haired girl gave her as a present.

Okay so, I'm sorry that I didn't upload for 2 days. I have a good reason about that.

Funny story, my parents confiscated my laptop - which was what I've been using these past couple of days to type in the plots- just because I wasn't participating in the holiday spirits with my relatives.

But here I am now so enjoy!

Not edited


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