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Paul led Chris to his old house. It was mid morning and so he figured that both Pawel and Peter would be at school, which was probably a good thing, the two vampires slipping in through a side door and Chris raised an eyebrow at Paul who beckoned for him to follow him out into the hallway.

Paul already found that he was a lot lighter on his feet. His hearing was a lot sharper too and he froze as he heard the soft crackling of the TV, glancing at Chris who also seemed to be staring at the door of the living room and so Paul stepped towards it, gently nudging it open before walking inside.

His father was asleep in an armchair.

Paul felt something stirring inside him, a rage stronger than anything else he had ever felt before and he began to step towards his dad however Chris caught him by the arm and leant down to whisper into Paul's ear.

"Last chance to back out of this darling," he said softly and Paul shivered, his gaze still focused on the sleeping man in the chair. "If this is just hunger I can easily help you find someone else to drink from."

"Its not," Paul breathed, eventually tearing his eyes away from his father in order to look at Chris. "He hurt Phoebe and Pat. He's been hurting us for years, you said it yourself Chris. He's manipulative and abusive. I want this."

Allowing his eyes to flicker between Pauls, Chris sighed but he nodded eventually and backed away.

"Very well," he said heavily and Paul wasn't sure whether it was intentional or not, but he could almost hear the weight of his decision in Chris's words. "I'll keep watch."

"Thank you," he said.

"Of course, darling."

Watching as Chris moved to the door, Paul hesitated before walking over to his father. He knelt beside the man and kept his eyes trained on him as he felt his fangs slide down, his fathers chest rising and falling slowly as he dreamt about heavens knew what.

Paul wondered bitterly whether or not the man ever regretted what he had done. Driving away his own two sons, and how he could sleep so soundly knowing that he had lost his youngest daughter only the day before. It made him sick to his stomach and he was just about to lean in and brush his fangs against his fathers neck when Chris began to curse under his breath, Paul snapping his mouth shut and glancing over.

"What is it?" he asked quietly.

"Someones coming, you're going to have to hurry up Paul."

"Someone-- but who?"

"I don't know! We should probably go--"

"Pawel?" Peter called out, causing Paul's eyes to widen and he gestured to Chris who closed over the door. "Pawel, is that you?"

"Fuck its my brother," Paul whispered, causing Chris's eyes to widen also and he began to open the door again however Paul quickly shook his head.

"No-- don't do that, I'll do it," he said. "Just close the door, don't let him in. I don't want him to see this."

"Paul I'm not sure this is such a good--"

"Please Chris. If I leave now, I'll never do it!"

Chris hesitated before reluctantly closing the door back over.

"Do it then," he said thinly and Paul was sure that if his heart could still beat, it would be pounding in his chest. He could hear Peter's footsteps on the landing.

"I will."

Leaning in, Paul ghosted his fangs over his fathers skin before digging them in, feeling a wave of blood roll into his mouth as the man tensed, his eyes flying open and he let out a yell.

Within seconds Chris was on top of him, covering his mouth while Paul continued to drink, the man thrashing and screaming. He caught sight of Paul and aimed a blow to his head, Chris grabbing his arm and yanking it backwards which only caused the man to let out a louder, more guttural scream as Chris felt something snap, Paul clinging fast and continuing to gulp away at the blood despite the sound of footsteps racing down the stairs.

Peter burst into the room just as his fathers body went slack, Chris slowly letting go and he sat back while Paul licked at the remaining blood on his fathers neck, sitting back and he wiped at his face which only really succeeded in smearing the blood even further across his cheeks.

He licked at his fangs, looking up only for his eyes to meet with Peter's and the two brothers stared at each other in horror, Peter's eyes eventually falling on his father's corpse and he went ghostly pale.

Paul winced.

"Peter--" he began, however Peter cut across him by letting out an ear piercing scream and Chris grabbed Paul by the arm.

"We have to go," he said.

"But Peter--"

"He's not going to listen to anything you have to say right now Paul, we have to go!"

Paul slumped but he allowed himself to be hauled to his feet, Chris holding onto his hand both gently and firmly as he dragged him out the door and the two raced down the street, leaving Peter to stumble over to his father and he fell to his knees beside the man, beginning to desperately check for a pulse however he soon realised that there was none. His dad was gone.

Grabbing onto his fathers hand, Peter clung onto it tightly and choked back a sob as he desperately tried to ignore the large gash in the mans neck.

His father was gone, and it was all Paul's fault.

Or rather, it was the fault of the monster who had replaced his brother.


Link to sequel:


Authors note: 

Thanks for reading this far if you have! I hope you didn't get too bored. But yeah, that's the book finished now so hopefully you liked it.


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